Cessna 172 Amphib landing gear does not retract

In the mod folder, use the search function :grinning:

  1. Find the layout.json file in the mod folder

  2. Edit it with Notepad, removing these lines:

“path”: “ModelBehaviorDefs/Asobo/Exterior.xml”,
“size”: 66015,
“date”: 1602478610656

  1. Save

  2. Delete the ModelBehaviorDefs folder from the mod.

The only thing you are losing are some prop animation edits, as best I know.

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This definitely needs attention!

Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting. I don’t even know where to find “Community” and it doesn’t come up in a search

Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? no

Brief description of the issue: Trying to fly the Cessna 172 with floats. After takeoff from a runway, I can retract the flaps but not the gear. I keep hearing a message about the gear being in the landing position, When I try to retract it using either the assigned joystick button or moving it up manually in VR, the sound of it retracting is heard and the lever goes up, but then it immediately goes back down like it is spring loaded and the whole process starts again. Consequently the plane cannot be used for water landings.
Any help would be appreciated. I haven’t purchased any add-ons so I don’t even know if I have a community folder. If someone could tell me where to look for it I can check.

It is a little discouraging to see this problem was reported nearly a month ago and while updates have been released since, the problem remains unresolved.


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