Cessna 172 build

I 3D printed a lot so that saved a tone. Component wise I spend ~ $140.
Add in cost of computer and monitors and it much more.

Looking good! Careful about shin/knee clearance down around the parking brake. I ended up having to cut out the bottom of one of my panels pretty late in the game. :man_facepalming:

Might want to do a test fit with your seat in place before you get it all painted and polished.

Soooo. I have finished the 172 classic panel and am 90% done with the G1000 panel. I have to recut the G1000 panel because of a 1/2" measurement error. With the multi-monitor support (and hopefully multi-view support soon) I am going with a full physical cockpit instead of VR. I really like the VR but the resolution (or lack of) bothers my eyes. I have three 24" now but I got my first 42" yesterday and hope to get the other two before year end.
My system supports up to 7 monitors so I’m good there.

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Pictures didn’t post first time.

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Silly question time!

I am planning the build of my very basic Cessna 172 home cockpit, and am confused about the lower panel with (a) Fuel tank selector (Left/Right/Both), and (b) Fuel Cutoff pull/push switch.

In your plan posted on May 24: https://forums.flightsimulator.com/uploads/default/original/4X/f/5/4/f54a69e9743f642142d654c58dcf3fbb42da5663.jpeg
you I think show the fuel selector as using only 2 pins. I assumed I would need a “3 position” rotary switch (and so using 3 pins?) for (1) Left, (2) Right, and (3) Both.

Am I totally misunderstanding things (quite likely)?

Can you also help out by indicating which switches you used for (a) Fuel Selector, and (b) Fuel Cutoff?

Many thanks in advance, Alasdair (aka Flybasher…)

You also need start and off. So it’s a five position switch

Start and Off? Are you referring to the Magneto/Start rotary perhaps?

Sorry if I didn’t make it clear, but I’m referring to the Fuel Selector - where in the C172 I think I only need Left/Both/Right?

Or have I misunderstood (quite likely!)?

Regards, A

One is for left another for right. Mobi flight is configured for release of either to go to the both position. This is the fuel select. I printed the cutoff switch setup and use just a mini toggle switch. The fuel select is actually a 4 position switch I bought at our local hardware store. I only use three of the positions but only wired up two (see previous comment).

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I have finished both of these panels and will post pictures of the front and back of both. They work perfect in either VR or when using the triple screen setup. Takes about 10 minutes to swap them out.

Here are two videos and 5 pictures of my dual panel 172 setup.
Video 1 is G1000 avionics flying toto Reno from the south.
Video 2 is the Classic with 530/430 avionics flying same path into Reno from the south.

Pictures top to bottom

  1. No panel in sim. FFB yoke installed
  2. Back of G1000
  3. Front of G1000
  4. Steam panel stored
    5 G1000 panel stored.

Pictures didn’t load first time.

Working on Videos

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Two Videos. G1000 and Classic with 530/430. Both approaching Reno from the south.


Great - am now understanding - thank you for the information.
Will be viewing the videos shortly…
Regards, Alasdair

Had the coolest flight with the G1000 panel today. I had my wife wear the VR headset while I flew around NYC. It was like giving a air tour of the city. I flew with the virtual terrain on for the PFD and flew like it was IMC weather.


that’s really cool.