Cessna 172 engine randomly stops in free flight mode

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In free flight mode, while in the air or on the ground, the engine stops running. I found that the fuel shut off valve by the fuel selector closes randomly. Opening the valve and the engine can be stated again. Description of the issue:

If applicable, which aircraft is experiencing this issue:
Cessna 172

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue?
No community mods have been downloaded.


With in 5 to 30 minutes of every flight.

How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)?


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Free flight mode.
  2. My Honeycomb Alpha avionics switches will not work the panel switches but are assigned. Works in 2020 edition.


If the issue still occurs with no mods and add-ons, please continue to report your issue. If not, please move this post to the User Support Hub.

What peripherals are you using, if relevant:
Honeycomb alpha, bravo and charlie.

[PC Only] Are you using Developer Mode or have you made any changes to it?
Developer mode.

[PC, MSFS 2020 Only] Are you using DX11 or DX12?

[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
RTX 4080S

[PC Only] What other relevant PC specs can you share?


Please add a screenshot or video of the issue occurring.


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had this issue yesterday also three times within one flight

Need to walk around and remove any engine covers

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That has been done

Yes, I think this has happened to me before - made me suspect a rogue control binding but so far I don’t think that is the case (at least I didn’t find it!).

I assume it the mixture lever. While fyling it’s changing by itself, without moving the assigned axis

Are you using Beyond ATC by any chance? A few people in their discord (including me) have reported this issue occurring during BATC flights (in various aircraft). The dev team have found the cause and will fix in the next update.

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For me the fuel shutoff valve above the fuel tank selector closes. Not the mixture lever. Opening the valve allows the engine to run. Started flying the Beach Bonanza and the engine randomly quits also. Haven’t figured out what control is causing this problem.

I have a similar issue. For me it’s the mixture cuts out when I press any key on the keyboard. I checked my bindings and cleared them out, excited for the one on my turtle beach quadrant. Issue continues. Next time it happens, check your mixture and see if it cuts off. Also check to see if it cuts off when pressing any key on your your keyboard.

If you are still having this problem, and you use the Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, I strongly recommend going into your controls settings and using the “search by input” function. Really click each switch and look for things bound that you didn’t set up.

In my case, I was having exterior lighting faults because my Button 15 was somehow bound to both Master Battery On and “Set Electrical Circuit Power Setting”. I didn’t make that binding, but it was causing serious issues.

If you use any additional peripherals, such as FlightSimStuff or other Honeycomb products, to control throttle, mixture, etc. I’d also take a deep dive into each button/knob/lever to look for conflicting bindings.

Also, if you didn’t find a solution to why your Honeycomb Alpha can’t control Avionics power, bind these: (making sure to use the settings gear to ensure “input repetition” is off)

Button 17 to “Electrical Bus 1 To Avionics Bus 1 On”
Button 18 to “Electrical Bus 1 To Avionics Bus 1 Off”
Button 19 to “Electrical Bus 2 To Avionics Bus 2 On”
Button 20 to “Electrical Bus 2 To Avionics Bus 2 Off”

Advancing Throttle Shuts Down Engine Issue

Here is a solution to the issue that has worked for me. But first a bit of background:

Purpose of Mixture Control: (credit goes to Google AI) The mixture control in a Cessna 172 allows the pilot to adjust the ratio of fuel to air entering the engine by controlling the amount of fuel delivered, which is crucial for maintaining optimal engine performance at different altitudes, primarily by “leaning” the mixture at higher altitudes to compensate for the thinner air and maximize fuel efficiency.

Key points about the mixture control:

  • Function:

Pulling the mixture control lever “leans” the mixture, reducing the amount of fuel entering the engine, while pushing it forward “enriches” the mixture, adding more fuel.

  • Altitude impact:

As you climb in altitude, the air becomes thinner, so you need to lean the mixture to maintain the correct fuel-air ratio.

  • Benefits of leaning:

Leaning the mixture at higher altitudes improves fuel economy and engine efficiency.

Auto Mixture in the sim will do this for you; but I think there are some hardware setup conflicts that cause the controls to not behave as in reality. In real life in a C172, if you do the shutdown procedure and the engine is still running, you pull out the mixture control and the engine quits (the mixture gets too lean to burn). So I started to think that perhaps I was not paying enough attention to Mixture Control, because I had Auto Mixture turned on!

How to fix it: Turn Auto Mixture to OFF, on the Assistances Page (see below). In FS2000 this issue arose, and pilots had suggested that the yoke or throttle hardware was sending multiple signals, and in combination with Auto Mixture setting, were causing the engine to shut down when the throttle setting is changed (because the resulting conflicting signals caused the mixture to maximum lean). So first turn off Auto Mixture.

I do like some auto settings, mostly auto rudder, in real life it seems easier to do then in the sim, so I like the assistance in FS2024. Auto rudder will make your turns much better and smoother. I likey!

  1. Many of us use throttle quadrants, and that’s probably where the conflicts happen. On a lot of training missions, you start out at altitude. The instructor tells you to reduce power to decend or increase power to climb. As soon as I would change the throttle setting, for some reason the engine would quit, and doing a “Control E” to restart the engine, while the plane is sinking takes up time and then you fail for not being at altitude. Bummer. [However its good training if your engine really fails in flight! If it happens for real, you go down that checklist pretty quickly!] Soooooo, try setting your throttle and mixture levers to one of these settings:

    ½ way up the quadrant! (red knob). The blue knob is propellor control, which is not applicable in C172, but will become applicable as you fly more complex airplanes.

    When I start a training mission, and I expect to be flying at altitude to start, I make sure my throttle is full on and the mixture is between half and full (usually full) as measured on the quadrant. If I am starting from the end of a runway, and my throttle is not advanced, the mixture is between half and full on the quadrant (usually full, but ½ seems to work as well) Explanation of why to follow below.

Even after Auto Mixture is turned off, you still may stall the engine, if the mixture on the throttle quadrant is not adjusted properly. So if it’s less than ½ down the quadrant you probably will shut down the engine. So be on 100%.

I cannot account for why the throttle and mixture are having a conflict, but I did notice one thing about the mixture setup that I do not understand. See next pic…….

The span of the mixture axis is from -100 to 100%, meaning that if the lever is full down its -100% and full up 100%. -100% is pretty lean (I think impossible in reality) , and would surely stall the engine. Soooo I think that the midpoint of the quadrant is actually 0, soooo if you have a mixture setting greater than 0 and or less than 100% the engine will be receiving the correct fuel/air mixture and you won’t stall the engine. You should have the mixture set at 100% (full on), [until you get to higher altitude]; because full OFF will cause the engine to quit; and of course lower than 0 surely will cause the engine to quit. Perhaps this is where the glitch is in the software, if your mixture lever is at the bottom of your quadrant, you are giving -100% mix to the engine – surely your engine will quit! I don’t even think this is reality. The span of the mixture axis should only be from 0% to 100%, so be sure your mixture level is at full on, or no less than ½ on the quadrant.

  1. Perhaps the easier way to fix this issue is to stay on Auto Mixture, then disconnect the mixture control in the throttle quadrant!!! I have also noticed that there are other mixture controls associated with my yoke controls, perhaps it might be a good idea to review all Power Management settings on all the yoke and throttle quadrant hardware, and make sure that your hardware is not sending conflicting signals. I have not tried these two fixes yet, but it seams reasonable.
    I mostly fly C172 in sim, and have a lot of real time hours in a C172. I am working my way up to the big stuff (in sim), but I cannot see a reason for the span of the mixture control to be 100% to -100%. Perhaps this is something Asobo should fix??? Bottom line is, turn off auto mixture, and make sure your mixture control is full on, or no less than ½, as per the pictures above. I’ve tried this on missions and on ground starts and it works. Also, in real life this is how the mixture control works, the mixture is rich to start, and lean it out as you get to altitude.

I have had this same issue on th 172 and DA62 in FS 2024. The mixture cutoff pulls out randomly in the 172 and fuel levers pull back in the DA62.

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Give the fix a try and see if it works for you!

I had similar issue with trim. I sat on the tarmac and watched the trim wheel return itself to neutral. Turned off the Auto assist and no more trim probs.

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• I had a similar problem until I realized that I had my fuel set to the left tank by default and setting the tank to the both position prior to takeoff fixed my engine stopping problem.

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• So, the king air airplane, I forgot the exact model. I think it G, t But I could be wrong. But anyway, the auto pilot doesn’t work. It’s better now than last week, but last week when you would turn on, autopilot it puts the airplane into the dive and crashes you That didn’t happen this week, but you can’t activate any of the modes of autopilot, like the headed mode. Or the navigation mode. That also two mode. Etc.