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No. GNS 430/530 installed. See appended screenshot.
Brief description of the issue:
To get the fuel rate for the C172SP model: I did a short local flight, then repeated the flight but added an hour of cruise. The difference in fuel use gave me the model’s fuel consumption in GPH. The details are described below. See also appended Calculation file, plus screenshots. The result: the model’s fuel rate was 35% higher than in the C172S POH.

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Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
When flying the MSFS C172SP model, the fuel consumption seemed higher than in the C172S POH. In the following, (A), (B) … refers to the appended screenshots.
To check this out: I started MSFS normally, hit WORLD MAP > SELECT DEPARTURE > 3S7 (Nehalem Bay State), parked at Ramp 5 (A), right by the fuel pumps and the approach end of rwy 15 (C). I hit FLY > READY TO FLY > FLY. In the WEIGHT AND BALANCE window (B) I set fuel to 100%: 56 gal., and PAYLOAD to maximum: 2558 lb. I pushed back, started the engine, turned the airplane & took off on rwy 15. At 500’ msl I turned toward the ocean, to a heading of ~200 deg (exact direction not important). I climbed to 2000’ msl, reduced power & stabilized the airplane for level flight. At FT=9 min on the panel clock (D) I did a standard rate left turn & flew back toward the airport. At FT=12 min. (E) I reduced power as required for approach (idle to 1000rpm) & landed on rwy 33. The landing roll took me to the fuel pumps, right through the vehicle that always blocks the way. I checked fuel on board: 53.7 gal (F). This 1st flight had used 2.3 gal.
I then repeated the flight, except instead of starting the turn back to the airport at FT = 9 min, I flew on for another 30 min. (G), started turning at FT = 39 min. (H) & flew back on the reciprocal heading. I started descent at FT = 72 min. Result: I added 1 hour at 2000 msl & ~2375 rpm to the time of the 1st flight. After landing, I checked fuel on board: 41.8 gal (I). The 2nd flight had used 14.1 gal. I subtracted the fuel for the 1st flight (for the takeoff & climb, turn & return, approach & landing), so the fuel used in the extra hour was 11.8 gal. For the C172S POH fuel rate (fig. 5-8), I interpolated between the rates for 2300 & 2400 (8.1 & 9.0 GPH) to get 8.8 GPH. The C172SP model’s use rate was 35% higher than the C172S POH.
The enclosed spreadsheet shows the calculations.
With such a high fuel rate, is the model for a more powerful engine? But the model’s 109 KTAS (GNS 430 in G.) is practically identical to the POH.
The panel Fuel Flow gauge shows 13 GPH (G) – even higher than derived above. Yet another bug?
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