Cessna 172 throttle and camera issues

First problem: When I’m on the runway and taking off, I push the throttle to full (Thurstmaster 1600 slider control). At first, the throttle goes full open. Then, it randomly shuts down to idle and back to full. If I move the control up and down, it goes back up but then cuts out to idle again. If the runway is long enough and I manage to get airborne, the throttle behaves just fine. It’s when I’m rolling on the runway that it acts weird.

Second problem: On approach, I cannot see the runway. I use the hat switch to set camera height and set it as high as I can, but the instrument panel is just in the way. Can I force the camera to move higher?

First, have you confirmed that the Piloting Assistance options are off?

For the second issue, going too slow? proper flap extension?

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Don’t know about pilot assist. Will check.

On landing, I use full flaps. At 60 knots, the nose is still pitched up. Is that normal?

At full flaps you’re still flying at 60

w.r.t to the first problem, if you have not done so already, do a search for “thrustmaster 1600” or just plain “thrustmaster”. I’ve seen a number of posts where there have been configuration issues with thrustmasters, but not owning one myself, can’t really help here.

Two options come to mind, though you may have already tried these.

  • Toggle the keyboard’s space bar to raise your eyepoint
  • I used to map the up/down hat-switch positions to Cockpit Look up & Look Down, but found that a better option for me was:

Also, if you’re using a throttle axis on a dedicated flight controller, search for ‘throttle’ under ASSIGNED in the control menu and toggle through all of your various devices, controller/keyboard/etc. Delete everything else except your controller axis. It will automatically make new profiles for the controller and keyboard(and mouse for duplicate bindings) that you use when using your device, like CONTROLLER PROFILE 2. Trim is especially important to have bound to only one thing if it’s being used on your flightstick/joystick/yoke. Do the same for anything else on a flight controller axis.

Also, I change default view to CUSTOM CAMERA 1. I use the mouse and keyboard to raise/lower zoom/slew etc until my head is where I think it SHOULD be-looking directly forward. Set that Control-Alt-#1. Then, depending on the complexity of the cockpit, I move the camera into successive views of priority of what I’m constantly zooming into to see as I try to glance around the cockpit. Set those to CONTROL-ALT-2, 3, 4 etc. Some aircraft need a zoomed in view on a fuel control setup like the Staggerwing, some just need one slightly zoomed avionics view, like the 172.

It does take tweaking to get a natural forward view correct. Even when you think you have it perfect try to fly straight and level by visual only and check the VSI. The 172 isn’t that bad, but some aircraft have your head 1’ too low, 18" too far forward, and looking down at a 15 degree angle.

I set the very LAST/HIGHEST one to my primary view ‘popped up’ over the dash for a taxi/line-up/spotting view. Some I have 7+ views with passenger seat positions, co-pilot seats, etc, but the last always the pop-up-what-do-I-need-to-see-out-the-nose-this-dang-thing situational awareness view especially in a tail dragger.

Then you can map one extra hat to toggle next/previous custom view and say to the left is the popup, the right is the instrument management view that makes up the majority of the use, or without that many buttons you can just hit alt+# on the keyboard, which gets intuitive with practice too, as you can always reset to straight ahead Fred.

You get spoiled on the TBV1 as at the yoke top alone I have: Reset custom view 1(snap to pilot view) + toggle inside-outside vew + zoom (on the triggers) + move camera up-down on the bumpers + one hat freelook POV + one hat flip through custom views L/R + one hat quickview L/R. And STILL have rudder/aileron trim and heading bug mapped. Pretty easy to bush fly and in planes like the Beaver can drop down a click to look out the side windows(as your head is above it) and zap right back to forward.

When you get all this crap configured to exactly how you like it, save it as your core profile to duplicate to specific additional aircraft that need it, so it’s always the same.

I got myself the T16000M for Christmas and I have had zero issues. This does NOT sound like a hardware issue to me, much more likely an Assistance or duplicate binding issue.

When it comes to joystick and throttle configurations, I suppose there are as many preferences as there are people that use them! I have found it very convenient to define a number of cockpit views (Ctrl-Alt 0-9) and then binding them to the two 4 position switches on the side of the throttle. In this way I can immediately toggle between views without removing my hand from the throttle or stick. I find that tremendously convenient in the circuit or on an approach.

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Didn’t even know about the assistance options. Finally found the menu and turned off all the pilot assistance options. That fixed it! Don’t know what option it was, but they’re all off now (I’m sure this will cause me other problems :smile:)

I first tried disabling the throttle control altogether on the Thrustmaster and used just the F2/F3 keys and the throttle was still acting weird. That’s when I tried turning off the assistance options. Reassigned the joystick slider to the throttle and now all works just great.

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Great suggestion. I’m going to go back and look at one of the YouTube videos by Squirrel that covered the camera settings. He covered the custom settings but I forgot most of this stuff. I’ll create a base profile and customize for additional planes as needed.

I’ve got so much to learn here. The sim is beautiful, but it’s definitely harder to learn than previous versions.

One more related question (maybe this is an assistance option)…

How do I get rid of the annoying pop-up “help” every time I hover over a control in the cockpit. They never say anything useful and they obscure the other controls.

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Thank you. Never would have guessed it would be in “General” options. Was looking under Cockpit options.