Cessna 185 Skywagon

Hi all. As a backcountry/bush enthusiast I’m having a blast flying the XCub.

For longer and weighted down hauls, I’m hopeful we will see a quality Cessna 185. I enjoy working the prop, manifold, fuel tanks,…etc.

Does anyone know if anything of the sort is being worked on or planned?


I’ve managed to port the old Carenado bird and it does okay. Half the gauges don’t work though. I wish they would consider doing a new version since it would be perfect for this sim with floats, tundra and skis.


Thanks for the response. I flew that one in xplane and had a blast. It wasn’t overly accurate if I recall correctly, I believe you could fly it without needing rudder input?

I wish I knew how to bring it into MSFS like you did- is it hard to do?

Thanks for the response. I flew that one in xplane and had a blast. It wasn’t overly accurate if I recall correctly, I believe you could fly it without needing rudder input?

I wish I knew how to bring it into MSFS like you did- is it hard to do?

You need this:

But think it has to be a native FSX model.

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Ok great, thanks for that. So I imagine I’d have to purchase the FSX plane. Do you know if it’s the same as the Carenado 185 in Xplane?

If you don’t mind, can you give me a little more info on what’s working/not working on it in MSFS 2020?
Many thanks!

Most of the gauges don’t work/wrong size/missing. So you fly by the seat of your pants, which isn’t too hard in this airplane. I would imagine it’s the same as the X-Plane bird.

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The Carenado was one of my top 3 ga in fsx. Not accurately-wise, I don’t recon it’s real life performance but man it was a joy to fly in Pacific Northwest.

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Thanks. I saw someone else’s screens of the FSX 185 instrument panel in MSFS and it looked like a Picasso painting haha, I think I’ll wait until someone smarter than me can fix it up. Thanks for your help though, much appreciated.

If you’re looking for a real float plane (and not something that looks like it came out of a cracker jack box) I just tried the AEROPROYECTO C172 Floater and it seems to port and fly well - YMMV. It was free at one point but it looks like it’s on sale for about $13 at Simmarket. Might help until we get a 185 :slight_smile:

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If I convert a fsx 185 amphib, will it still be amfib in msfs2020?


Well a year later and I’m surprised I’m a rare one interested in the classic Cessna 180 or 185. The ideal bush plane, capable of carying pax or cargo, with stol capability. If you’re interested, pls vote.


Just bringing this forward, please take the time to vote for this classic!


After two years since the release of MSFS, one of the things I’ve sadly discovered is the cargo/bush flying is not so trendy like in the previous versions of FS. Its very sad. There isn’t interest in classic planes like this one or the Super Cub (the real one, not the rotax or carbon) or the C206/207. Time ago, I created a petition for the Caravan cargo, and most of the answers were it would be more desirable the new Skycourier.

It’s very sad.


Yeah I would agree. It seems the jet airliners and turbine props must be the most popular and neither interest me. The Beaver is coming but since it will be a stock Asobo plane I doubt it will be a highly realistic flight model and systems.

I think it’s a vicious circle. No interest in bush flying → no need to (re)develop bush planes → interest in bush flying not increasing.

The 180/185 was and still is quite popular with skydiving clubs here in Germany… And that’s the main reason I’d still love to see one in-sim.

You’d be wrong about the bush flying, flying low and slow is very popular. According to the latest Ms poll, the largest interest is in single engine planes.

With all the 3rd party creators out there, I can’t believe none of them have released the 185, one of the greatest single engine workhorses out there.

With the 182RG out now, I think I read in the comments on their facebook page that Carenado is working on bringing their entire line-up to MSFS 2020/2024. So it’s only a matter of time until we see the 185. Hopefully, we’ll get her sooner than later.

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Voted up. I love the 185. I spent 15 years of my life jumping out of a 185 skydiving. Such great memories.

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Any recent news or rumors about the 185? Past weekend I’ve been watching the classic DVD “Backcountry Idaho” and I’m horrible craving for C185.