Cessna 208 Caravan Cargo

Feeders around the world feel a lit bit orphan enjoying the experience of such great rendition of the C208, but without our natural workhorse.

Having a great passenger version, why not adapting the always reliable cargo version?

Have a safety new year!

Look at the liveries from kychungdotcom at flightsim.to

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Beautiful livery. Great job!

I hope that FS2024 includes the cargomaster version. With all the new career and mission system is a must have!

So I want to bump this topic again. I really would like to know if we will get a Cargomaster. I consider myself a Freight Dog, always have been always will be.
The lack of the Cargomaster with fully functioning Doors etc is really sad. Do we know if someone has heard us and is working on something? I would love to finally have one for my VA.

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looking closely at this new FS24 screenshot:

We can see all the new Caravan models (with and without the pod, with floats, etc). But the cargo version, without windows, doesn’t appear :frowning:

Really shame.

With the arrival of C408 to FS24, and having the ATR, I hoped to have the entire Fedex feeders fleet… if the Caravan cargo had also been included :cry:

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Bad news- in the 2024 editions breakdown promo shot a passenger C408 is depicted there as well.

I don’t understand. The only logical reason I find for this absence is some kind of right / legal problem.

Or maybe Carenado wants to sell the cargo version on their own. But looking at the development pace they have had in the last 4 years, I see that we will have to wait for FS2028 to have a cargomaster, the cargo version of the C408 and the update of their C185.

Very, very frustrating. It’s time to learn blender.

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