Cessna 208 Ignition switch spad.next

Hi anyone able to advise how to get a working ignition switch on in the 208 on spad? Followed what comes up in event monitor but it didn’t work. Tried it on a few bits of kit and had no luck.

The NORM-AUTO one? It’s just standard turbine ignition toggle, you don’t even need Spad for it. If you want to script on-off switch then using the set turbine ignition between 0 and 1 would probably work.

Yes the norm auto, Thanks I’ll give it a try was trying to do it with turbine_ignition_switch_set1 but wasn’t working. Does it need to be scripted? Or just button set up? Might just try it through msfs if that works then.

C208 doesn’t have a prime switch.

Haha sorry getting mixed up with my 310r :rofl:

I don’t have 310, but there’s a default keybinding for primer which you can bind via the game or Spad (or similar). If that doesn’t work, then you’ll need custom script and need to hunt the right variable to use via dev mode (behaviors window, local variables tab) or by sifting through the plane code.

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Thanks will have a look will have to be a left or right primer for that I guess, hopefully find something I’ve mapped everything else.

Nothing showed up in event monitor when I toggled it so not sure how I’ll find it other than trying things to see what works.

It’s a custom LVAR. L:C310_SW_PRIMER with the type ENUM. It has 3 positions 0,1 & 2.

We best get back on topic.

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Hey Guys did you ever solve the C208 Ignition Norm Auto? I just can seem to find the correct SimConnect Command or Value :frowning:

I’ve not flown it in a while started using the blacksquare version then parked it up with all the CTDs I was getting awaiting the update. Once that’s out I’ll have another look at that switch as got a lot more experience now with spad and things so hopefully get it sorted out pretty quickly when I get back in it and will let you know :+1:

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Cheers…I have the Blacksquare as well :wink: Its what I am configuring now…love it

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I would also love to get this working. I’m trying to get it to work on Black Squares Analong Caravan. Here’s what I’ve discovered so far but have not made work yet.

3 things happen/change when the Ignition is switched from NORM to ON manually in sim. 1 Event gets sent and 2 data values change.

TURBINE_IGNITION_SWITCH_SET1 is sent with parameter 2

TURB ENG IS IGNITING:1 is changed to a value 1
TURB ENG IGNITION SWITCH EX1:1 is changed to a value of 2

This happens in this exact order and upon fliping the switch manually in sim, these values remain unchanged until the switch is flipped back. This is NOT the same behaviour exhibited by sending the same event and changing the same data via SPAD. When throwing these changes on a scripted event on a switch, all the aforementioned values immediately switch back to 0. I have even tried to place the scripted event on repeat and it appears that the sim must be doing something ELSE i haven’t caught yet which is constantly and immediately changing my values back to 0, thus the switch never flips and the ignition is never actually flipped to ON.

I hope that helps someone else with more patience as I am officially giving up for now.

Sounds like they may be using a custom LVAR to set the ignition state. If those events are coded in an update loop then the sim will override your attempts to set it externally. Even worse if they don’t use an LVAR and are using a BVAR to control this then the only way to control it without modding their code is with a mouse in the vc. I hate this way of control it’s really un-friendly for anyone with a home cockpit who wants to control the aircraft without a mouse.

I think it’s a Bvar - check in behaviour in dev mode. Spad cannot manipulate bvars as far as I know. Try contacting the spad devs as this has been brought up again and again on these forums.
Axis and Ohs or Mobiflight can change bvars.

No third party app can change BVAR’s. The ones that have some support are inserting an LVAR hook into the aircraft code and using that for control. It’s a workaround but not the easiest to implement and quite hacky. What we really need is for Microsoft/Asobo to give us access to those B,I,O vars. There’s a huge thread in this forum all about it.

It has been on the wishlist forever and I doubt we will see it anytime soon. Or perhaps it will transpire the same way as the replay mode - releasing something clunky in a beta mode the leave it be for more than a year.