Cessna 208B Prop Speed at Idle

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• I just did a short test flight to verify it, and can confirm that there is an issue with the prop speed. At first I tested the exact value where the lever axis would be put to fight idle by monitoring the prop angle in SPAD.neXt while at parking position (it would be constant down to that value and decrease when going below). Then I changed my thrust lever scaling to that value, so that I could not go below flight idle. After takeoff I got to cruising speed and then slowly reduced my thrust lever. At just slightly before reaching flight idle everything was still good, I had nearly 1900rpm. But at exactly flight idle, the prop would spin up to above 2500rpm. I verified also by moving the lever with the mouse down to the detent, and got the same result. Further testing showed that the prop speed is depending of actual air speed, as I got slower, the prop would also spin slower, until at about 75kn it would reach 1900rpm again.

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This problem exists in most of the turbo props, including the twin engines and water bombing ones.

Using the Bravo throttle quad, this makes it worse. The phsyical lever has now a dead zone from 0-50 %

there are actually FOUR ways to bind the 208B throttle lever.

  • THROTTLE AXIS - ground idle starts 30% of the way up, below that is dead zone
  • THROTTLE 1 AXIS - ditto
  • THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 to 100%) - ditto (despite the name)
  • THROTTLE SET - max reverse at 0%, beta range at 20%, ground idle at 30%, normal throttle above.

why did Asobo use a unique throttle binding for the 208B when every other plane uses the generic THROTTLE 1 AXIS (0 to 100%) for in-axis reversers (it’s even in the name)? i’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

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THROTTLE SET appears to mimic the real aircraft throttle lever action. I use the Honeycomb Bravo controller with THROTTLE SET to control my throttle and the only issue is on landing. I can manage the decent phase without issue, and most of the approach phase. I get into trouble just before landing trying to maintain my speed with full flaps between 75-85 KTS. I wish there was a way to create a dead zone between Low Idle and Beta Mode. It is too easy to accidently move into Beta from Low Idle which always results in crashing before touchdown. If I do manage to land and it is not a clean landing, I sometimes see an error message indicating that I landed in an undesignated area. This I don’t understand. I landed on the runway with a bounce or two.

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This a really important clarification on ways to bind. When discusssing issues with managing the throttle on the 208B, it would help if everyone qualify their problem by describing if they are using THROTTLE SET, or one of the three THROTTLE AXIS setups.

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In my case, I use SPAD.neXt to write to SIMCONNECT:AXIS_THROTTLE1_SET, but because it has both “axis” and “set” in its name, I can’t say which one it is :sweat_smile: If I use “-16384” for lowest lever position, it uses the full beta range. Through my testing I have identified the value “-11517” as the value where it stops just at flight idle, but it still overspeeds the prop there. That value is at around 14.85% lever position when using the full range.

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as mentioned above, i use this throttle curve on the THROTTLE SET axis

and thus avoid needing to use spad.next.