Cessna Caravan Throttle doesn't change engine RPM (Bush Trip)

Okay, so I started leg 2 of my bush trip in Austria. The plane was in Cold & Dark state. I switched on the battery and the plane started automatically. Now when I tried to taxi, I found out that the throttle wasn’t moving. So I clicked on the throttle with my mouse. Now the throttle moves with my joystick slider but has no effect on engine RPM. Is there anything that I’m missing?

The Caravan has a constant-speed propeller, which means it’s got a regulator that pitches the blades to maintain the speed selected by the pitch/RPM lever (usually has a blue handle on it).

Thank you. I mean’t that engine was revving up with the throttle. However, when I clicked on the fuel shut-off valve everything started working. Strangely enough, my NAV log is empty. What gives?

I think there’s some bug. :frowning_face:

Oh . I SOOOOO want to reply to that

I remember now. Last time I completed the leg and landed at LOWS but the sim did not give me a ‘leg completed’ notification. Now, the plane spawns at LOWS with the navlog empty. Maybe I landed on the wrong runway. What if I took off and landed from the other side?

Nope. Bush trips are broken for everyone. Hopefully fixed in the next update.

Glad to know I’m not the only one facing this issue.

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