Currently my avionics in the CJ4 are blank, I had this issue once before and was able to find the simple solution for it and fix it. I remember it had either something to with the Nvidia Control Panel (As someone had stated in a post here that I can’t find about the gpu patch and type of card.) or it was something in the graphics settings. Either way I can’t remember. This is currently the state with the latest patch. If anyone can offer up advice on how to fix it again would be greatly appreciated as it’s obviously currently unflyable in this state.
Are you using the working title mod?
Had this issues,too. After updating the mod, it was fine again.
No Mod stock aircraft with modern hardware. 9700k with a 2070 Super. I remember it was something simple but can’t for the life of me figure it out. I’ll check the updates again and make sure it is.
Highly recommend the Working Title Mod.
I’ll leave this post up for those in the future if they have the same problem I did. I found the solution! I had to remove all the liveries for the CJ4 from the community liveries folder and this solved the issue. So frustrating every update something gets broken then have to wait for the updated liveries. Grrr…! Sometimes I miss FSX:)!
The livery issue with the CJ4 has been around since very early last year and I don’t think anything changed in the SU8 that would exacerbate this issue. It’s up to the livery makers to be aware of potential issues, too.
I have seen this on my Xbox series S, but I can resolve it by exiting out (restart the flight). This then brings back the flight displays correctly.
I have no addon liveries for CJ4 but still have blank avionics. Already uninstalled all default liveries from the official folder and just keep the default livery. No change. This started after SU8.
Topic Author selected solution.