Cessna citation CJ4 FLC Speed

In reality the button FLC Speed I don´t see any use for it, because if I put with it for example 240 KIAS I have to maintain that speed with the throttle.

The CJ4 doesn’t have auto throttle, you always have to take care of the speed yourself.

The button is mainly used in climb, but it also works in descend. In climb you set the throttle to the CLB detent and press the button and set the required climb speed, so 240kts. Then the plane will adjust the climb rate to maintain 240 knots.

In descend it works with the same logic, just vice versa.

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You are not understanding what FLC does. First of all the CJ4 doesn´t have auto throttle. What FLC does is at any given set of power the AP will command a pitch value to maintain the selected KIAS or Mach number. POWER + ATTITUDE = PERFORMANCE. It does the same as OPEN CLIMB or OPEN DESCEND in AIRBUS.

Let me give you an example, lets assume you want to climb to FL 320, in the VNAV profile page the optimum CLB SPEED is always around 240 kts. You clamp your power in the CLB detent, set 240 on the FLC knob and pushd FLC command. Now the aircraft will start to climb adjusting its pitch to maintain 240 untill Altitude Capture mode is engange. There is no need to make changes in power unles you want to slow your rate of climb. In case you want to descend its the same story. Always know your FMA to ensure you engange the correct mode.
