Citation CJ4
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it? No. All updates are applied.
Using FMS set departure airport and destination airport. GPS direction indicator (pink line) will illuminate in the panel display. However, distance to destination, track to destination and ground speed do not function.
The aircraft rego visually is my selected rego however auto comms uses ASXGS.
On the external screen view the compass rose has the pink GPS indicator illuminated however does not function at all - does not point in the correct direction nor shows path deviation - just remains stationary.
On the FMS when position is selected (in flight) it has not(will not) updated from the geographic location of the departure airport. - So basically in flight I can fly following the GPS on the display, but for distance (in particular) to destination I have to use the map and guess how far to distination (plus use google earth to assist in this)
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered: Sorry have not done it.
Detailed steps to reproduce the issue encountered: This is only when I use the CJ4.
PC specs and/or peripheral set up if relevant: Windows 10 64bit(latest updates) - i7 7700kabie lake GTX1070ti - 16gb RAM @1066mhz-Gigabyte Z270M-D3H-CF-Samsung SSD860 1TB HD (though MSFS is loaded onto a 2TB Seagate ST2000 SATA
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue: This issue was noticed some time ago. I do not use this aircraft often. However I am on build
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