Cessna Citation Longitude - Cockpit Glow [solved]

Never really noticed this untill today when taking out the longitude. I noticed a glow on the cockpit instruments that no matter what i do im unable to remove. Is anyone else that flys the longitude having this issue?

You can see from the pic below the glow. Even with lights off the glow is still visible. The pics below were taking at night with all cockpit lights off and just general instrument panel lights enabled.

below you can see a clip ive taken from a random streamers video that shows zero glow

any ideas why this could be happening, i don’t remember this glow being visible like this before. It’s annoying.

Have you checked the ceiling?
Looks like a kind of dome light is on.

i checked, everything was off.

Cabin lights/ceiling checked as well?

every single possible light has been checked and turned off, ive flown this plane alot and never had this issue before.

Just checked. That’s exactly the effect I get with the flood lights turned on.

the overhead flood light? im sure i turned mine off during testing

The seats are clearly illuminated and there’s also a corresponding reflection on the throttles and centre console.

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There’s only one flood light rheostat on the overhead panel…

thats what i thought, i turned mine off and effect didnt go away… i’ll reboot and test again.

Maybe it’s not fully turned to the left. This effect is already there at the lowest intensity.

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could be the case, if it is i look like a right num nut :confused:

rebooted and tested the flood light, for some reason now when i have the lowest setting i’m not getting the annoying glow like i did before. interesting. before the glow was intense on lowest setting

and floodlight on highest setting, after reboot floodlight on full the glow is not there.

Still strange. With the rheostat at min neither the pedestal nor the seat are illuminated at all on my install.

yeh strange, can you share a screen shot on min flood light setting?

It’s a reflection, which means it will be dictated by head position. I can still see the effect in the latest shots, but it’s not centered on the screens.

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I don’t recall where I discovered this feature, but there is a setting called flashlight that I programmed into my Bravo Throttle Quadrant. When I look at your pictures, the reflection looks just like the flashlight.

thanks for reply, its nothing to do with the flashlight. this is as mentioned above by BeardyBrun & PZL104 the flood light and head postion. Issues solved, my head postion was causing the glow to effect the screen.

thanks to you both BeardyBrun & PZL104 apprecaite you guiding me in the right direction.


That’s at MIN, one click right of min and max.

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