Cessna Longitude GPS LOI

On some long flights I am seeing GPS LOI. Often 3+ hours into the flight?

Running fully patched and updated system. Anyone else seen this and would you know how to fix it?

All the best of the New Year to you.


Yes i´ve the same problem. It appears on every long flight. No solution yet. GPS-Status page shows 3 satellites available.

I did find power cycling all of the systems did clear it up. Doing that in flight did cause all FMS programming to be lost and is generally not a great idea.

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Someone on Discord said, “Adjust the sim time and then back to real time and it should resolve.” I will try it the next time it happens. Hope this is in WT’s backlog to address.

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What does “LOI” mean ?

Loss of Integrity - degraded GPS reception.

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When I am doing a long flight I always use 4X time so I wonder if this is a symptom of that. Jumping to current time and back has some other negative issues on flight clock.

It is a BUG more than a true LOI because an LOI should more likely happen on the ground or signal blocked for some reason. Not at 45K where it is happening to me.

Reading the manual for the systems on-line this error recommends you reset the GPS but I don’t think this simulation has the ability for us to hit a switch to reboot JUST the GPS.

Yes i can confirm, it worked for me :slight_smile:

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The best way I have found to do this is to turn off the left generator and left battery only on the electrical panel. This will only reset some of the systems and will fix the error. You will also have to turn back on autopilot and auto throttle if you had them on before.

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A bug report has been created, looks like it happens with other aircraft too, you can contribute there:

Whenever I fly the jet, once its round about 40nm from airport, it loses the GPS navigation. Tried many times but same error

For purposes of reproducing the error, can users experiencing this error consistently post their flight plan preferably in MSFS .PLN forma