Seems the only way you can assign trim functions to the yoke wheel is up and down as “buttons”, in doing so the movement is tiny making the wheel useless.
Is there a way to make the wheel work faster, has someone found a way (or filed a bug/mod request)?
Thanks in advance
You need to assign the axis of the trim wheel to the elevator trim.
Thats not possible. The trim wheel uses “buttons” for assignment. I did try the axis but it doesnt register.
Due to the mechanical repeating style of the trim wheel and it’s button one will not see usable function there. Only workaround is assigning one of the throttle lever axis to trim.
I use the CH flightstick which has a wheel… this is my setting in the sim:
Thats what i was afraid of, though in xp11 it also uses buttons but seems a tad “quicker”
Xplane uses a repeating keystroke that MSFS seems to not have.