CH Products flight yoke Throttle issue

I have a CH Product flight yoke and the CH product rudder pedals. I have everything working correctly and am enjoying playing (in VR), except I am running into a small issue.

My throttle is not working correctly at all. I cannot seem to get it to respond correctly. It responds, but in a pretty (seemingly) random way. Generally full throttle responds correct, but when I try to drop RPM’s a bit (to 1800RPM in the training scenarios) it will not respond to subtle changes, or will drop RPMS then increase them. Essentially there are times when I have the throttle stick at half way or lower and it “reverts” back to full throttle. It is crazy to move the throttle down and have the RPM increase.

Any thoughts. I am not sure if I set something up wrong, if I am doing something wrong as a “pilot” or if there is something else going on.

Thanks, in advance.

I have EXACTLY the same setup as you do. CH Products yoke and pedals. I even have VR (Oculus Rift) and love it.

Your explanation sounds like you are using a ‘switch’ setting instead of what Asobo calls an ‘axis’ setting. Programming all the buttons and pedals was a pain, but after some work mine works great. The easiest way to fix your settings is to go into Options, then Controls, then be sure that CH Flight Sim Yoke USB is selected as the ‘input device’ you are mapping with. If you search for Throttle you will get a very long list. Be sure to clear the setting you currently have mapped as you do not want it to conflict when you get it mapped correctly. Instead of searching for Throttle, search for Throttle Axis. That is the setting you need to map your throttle lever to. On my yoke, I do not have ‘reverse axis’ selected even though it looks like it should be.

Do the same for Prop and Mixture as they are also ‘axis’ type controls. I hope this fixes it for you.

Thanks man, I had it set up on Throttle Axis, but I also had Throttle up and Down set up, so that was causing it to act incorrectly.

Did you manually input all the buttons or did you find a profile to use? I have pretty much everything manually mapped, and so far it seems to be everything I need. Flaps, Trim, ect.

Love the VR set up, I actually had a Rift, but bought a Reverb G2. It was a pretty good investment, the clarity is pretty astounding in the plane and scenery as well.

No profiles were available, I had to manually enter everything. That was the pain part that I mentioned in my first post :slightly_smiling_face: That really surprised me initially because I thought CH Products were really popular.

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