Change appearance of stars and planets, especially needed at dawn/dusk time of day

First I want to say thank you! This sim is fantastic. Starting my love for simulators with FS 5.1, I never thought I would see what we are seeing today. Keep up the great work on all fronts.

However, I would love to see improvement in the night sky. I am not sure if this is possible or not. When I fly at night the stars and outer space scream 2d picture, it feels like it’s missing depth or deep darkness. Something just doesn’t seem right.

Thank you and I wish you all a wonderful day!



I would love to see the night sky and stars improved. This sim is amazing. However, when the sun goes down and I look out into the night sky, I can tell it is a photo. I do not get the feeling of depth and stars seem too big. I am sure this is not an easy fix but with all the brilliant minds behind this sim, I am sure you can improve it. This fix would really improve night flying. Hopefully, I am not alone… Happy flying everyone.

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Actually I think the night sky/stars etc. is pretty well done. A short time ago I was showing my wife how it all looked in VR whilst doing a high-level flight and she pointed out various star constellations, which I hadn’t noticed before, and they appeared to be in the right relative places too!

If he doesnt, I can tell you that the night sky looks incredibly flat, and lacking depth because there is no flickering of stars, they look painted on, and their resolution is WAY too large for them up at altitude. There is no atmospheric effect up there to make them look bigger.

Over 1000 hours of night flighting in RVSM to confirm, but seeing as I didn’t have a phone to take pictures, you can take my word for it.

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     After almost 3,000 hours in the sim, I can't stop noticing the entire galaxy that is visible every night, whether the moon is out or not. 

I will attach some screenshots of real night skies and the night sky in the sim, although I am sure we all know what they look like :laughing:

Looking at the first screenshot, it is clear that even the most distant and ‘smaller’ stars are fully visible at night.

It looks as if Asobo has turned down the brightness of the sky when the moon is not out in SU14 which is a start, but when we bring the moon out, it gets really bad.

It is quite easy to see that the texture of the night sky is just one giant image stretched around the world (literally). This results in this not-too-realistic, bright night sky that makes it look like we are on the edge of space with the James Webb telescope.

This second screenshot was taken with the Moon shining brightly, creating a much brighter nighttime environment as we can see. This brings out the Milky Way and makes the smaller and more distant stars appear even brighter.

Unfortunately, there also seems to be no effect of light pollution, as the texture looks the same in both the city and the countryside, as it is, of course, an image texture.

Now let’s take a look at these conditions at night time in the real world:

This image, taken from Tumblr, shows how the moon can be out with no stars visible other than the planets next to the moon.

Now, the same effect is shown in this picture, which I took during a nice holiday in Malaga, showing the beautiful night sky.

And here, the flight to Malaga. Showing the dusk environment with no starts showing, which is not the case in MSFS

Now I just wanted to come here and post this to shed some light on this problem, which tends to be quite unrealistic and doesn’t create a true sense of a real night environment as it could be achieved (which has been achieved in other sims such as xp12), and possibly get something new in MSFS2024.

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Agreed. Even satellite images of the earth show its way brighter than what is shown in MFS. I thought it was just my display settings on Xbox.

What a camera sees and what the human eye sees are not the same thing, especially cell phone pictures. It is the visual equivalent of judging cockpit sounds by the audio taken on an IPhone in row 13.