Changing colors and real atmosphere visibility.(photos)

Continuing the discussion from [OFFICIAL] Real vs. Sim Screenshots:

we all agree that if we try microsoft flight simulator, nobody goes back to another simulator.
but still msfs (from my point of view) needs fixes in the shaders both in color and in a more real atmosphere.
That is why I have spent many hours of work behind trying to achieve it with external programs, but at least I am already happy flying under these skies, atmosphere and real colors! enjoy.

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With my old eyes…looking at your last 3 pictures…I have to say the default msfs looks closer to the real life photo than the xatmo shaders does.

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With my old eyes…looking at your last 3 pictures…I have to say the default msfs looks closer to the real life photo than the xatmo shaders does.

Can’t agree more with you. xatmo shaders look kinda washed out to me

Personal Comments

Even taking into account differences in individual PC monitor calibration, the XATMO is too Blue. Arguably MSFS is balancing out towards Yellow Amber, but it’s not as extreme as the former.

Taking a look at a Diamond DA-62 that’s for sale right now, the blue metallic and silver trim is much more like the default MSFS color than the one you showed. While you can get someone to paint your aircraft the color you want, the default sim version is much closer to factory paint than the darker version. JMO.