Changing colour of ingame opened menus/windows

Is there a mod to change colours of the in-game opened windows (map, atc, checklist etc.)? The only setting I have found is for people with some eye issues/diseases. It turns the light blue to red or dark blue. Is there anyone who would be able to create this? I assume it should be a pretty simple task. In the marketplace there is a freeware addon which makes the slider of these menus wider. So I assume there could be some .cfg file to change the colour as well?

Hello @BattleOverlord,
I have moved this out of the wishlist as this area is for requesting 1st party (MS or Asobo) changes. No 3rd Party requests can be made in the wishlist.

Hopefully someone can assist.

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There already is a color adjustment for this in General Options - Accessibility - User Interface - Main Color.

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Thats not it. It is for people with some eye diseases - There is dark blue, bright red and purple colour (protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia).