"Charter Service - VIP" Missions not populating in Career Mode

There are VIP - Private missions and VIP - Charter missions, the Private ones worked, then didn’t work and now they’ve fixed them and should work again.

To the actual team, you know what we are talking about so not sure why you all are beating around the bush here, just tell us when to expect these missions it’s ridiculous. We are ALL talking about the VIP - CHARTER missions, you know the ones you can fly the CJ4 with, not the Private missions.

And it can’t be “fixed” because I’ve yet to see one screenshot showing they ever existed in the first place, just PLEASE for the love of whoever you pray to let us all know when to expect them to be available, next World Update? ETA at all would be much appreciated, thank you.


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Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• MSFS2024 on PC utilizing the Xbox app, opening the sim, going to career mode selecting the missions selection, and on the map, no missions are available for the CJ4.

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• Just recently bought the King Air and there are no missions for it anywhere.

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so they did for some people, though very sparingly. look up Cow Town on youtube. he streamed just a few days ago running a VIP mission in the PC24. but when he was looking at the map it was like 15 to 1 ratio of private vs VIP. i have yet to see one though either along with most people.

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About a month or two ago I got 2 missions in Dubai, which I reported on another thread. Ever since, I ran Cargo missions and unlocked more areas, and ZERO missions show up for the CJ4 anywhere. Why is this such a difficult thing to fix? This game has been out for a while now and the Career mode is still broken.

It just feels crazy to log in month after month and an issue like this cannot be fixed. Just let us fly the ■■■■ plane

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I watched a little bit of the video but not the whole thing, did you see more than 1 VIP mission on his map? I think a lot of us have been able to do 1 mission but haven’t found any since.

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Description of the issue:
After completing all requirements and earning the specialization for “Charter Service - VIP” I am not getting any of these missions. I am still getting the “Charter Service - Private” missions, but not the “Charter Service - VIP” Missions

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All the time

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Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Open Sim
  2. Got to Career Mode
  3. Try to find a “Charter Service - VIP” mission.


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A couple of weeks ago I had 2 Charter service - VIP missions in Taiwan.
They disappeared last week.

I read somewhere that the issue had been fixed today, but I only found one mission from Oslo to Vienna and one from Egypt to Vienna.

No missions to be found anywhere else I have unlocked.

I unfortunately bought a CJ4 and placed it in Teteboro. lol


I have the same issue, I woke up today to fly a few career missions but I do not see VIP for either freelance or employee.


I also finally completed my Charter VIP specialization and not a single mission is available as an employee. Even the Private ones were incredibly difficult to find. Nor can I do VIP as an employee now, nor can I start a VIP Charter company, although I have both specializations complete. Now I am sitting here wondering if Im gonna be stuck grinding medium cargo missions all the way till passenger planes.


Same problem. No charter/vip missions appear. Seems like somebody forgot to activate them for 2025? Nice work Asobo! :ok_hand:


Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
• Slightly different but no longer have any freelance missions apart from Cargo and it’s now saying that I’ve not completed Sky diving, VIP Charter, Sight Seeing gold missions

Provide extra information to complete the original description of the issue:
• Loaded sim today and no charter VIP missions in freelance to fly using my Vision jet. Got plenty of cargo missions in freelance but nothing else.

I’m not sure if this is linked but I did buy the PC-12 before logging off yesterday so wondering if that’s linked.

I’ve just noticed that its showing that I’ve not done the VIP mission in France which I’ve previously completed!! Screenshot below shows completed charter flights from yesterday.

It’s also showing that i’ve not done the sky diving mission which I’ve also previously completed so something strange is going on.

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Yeah, I did nearly 6 hours of Private Charter missions to complete the VIP specialization. Now even the private missions are gone, but on the other hand I feel like Skydiving has tripled in the amount.

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I had lots of VIP missions. Then I did the medium cargo unlock mission (in Japan). After that mission a my VIP missions were gone and never came back.

I also have no vip missions as freelance or as employee. Please fix it

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• yes

2025 is going to be a light cargo year -.-
Since NYE all charter missions are gone.

Maintained and cleaned Vission and Cessna, have needed certs and flew golden missions.

Nothing more to say…

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This is an interesting picture for me… it seems like you have exact the same available circles as I do. I’ve wondered about the ‘exploration’ claim from Asobo before because all the missions are to inbound destinations, never outside the circle. Now I have comfirmation that this is by design/bug. I tried a workaround to fast travel to west coast of the USA, and there I have unlocked about from the south American border up to the Canadian border and land inwards till about Denver. That generated about only 5 destinations, all very small airports. All the missions that daily pop up are back and forward between that airports, never ever a new one or outside the area. It’s all ■■■■, the whole promise about how this should work and what you could explore…

Same issue here in Switzerland since 2 days. Only Cargo missions available. XBox X

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I got a reply that since one hour it should work but I cannot find it annymore.
So I reinstalled MSFS24 (PC, Steam) and checked but nope:

Still only light cargo.

May I ask everyone who reads to put a vote here: Its time saving without skipping nice views on Atlantic / pacific flights:
Bring back the ability to use sim connect with VFRmap - Official Microsoft Flight Simulator / Wishlist - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Ah and yeah the “only inbound” missions I cannot confirm. I had few they reached out of the explored areas. Don’t know, how it behaves since two days as I just found out about the teleport to other locations. (before I was forced to stay western europe, at least then I could go to Greenland (where the “hotspot” during winter is marked (it is not…)) and go to the states to maximize my income by 30%.