Check out the AMD Ryzen High Performance Power Plan

The article referenced above said:

“The (AMD) balanced power setting is going to be ideal for people who value energy-savings and thermal efficiency more than anything else. You’ll still be able to do some top-tier gaming on the balanced setting as well as video and music editing.”

Given the main concern is generating too much heat in the 5800x3D, I would recommend to start out with the Ryzen Balanced plan. @DensestSnail693 indicated the ultimate plan did not work well anyway. Perhaps over time you will find some Youtube videos or reviews that will show some definitive comparisons.

Good luck!

Can’t sleep … too much computerthink going on and I was thirsty. :flushed:

Unless there’s something I don’t know I think you will find that the ultimate plan is not AMD but Windows

Back to bed … goodnight :zzz:


The Ryzen Power Plans are for older gen Ryzen processors. 5000 series chipset drivers won’t include them.

5800X, soon to update to a 5800X3d
My CPU never gets above 60°C with the closed loop cooling. Usually around 50-55° during flights with main thread limits.

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Well, I updated my chipset drivers (5800X3D driver here and latest bios) last week and the AMD powerplans are still there. I tried Windows balanced as suggested above and after browsing the web for a time, my PC froze and restarted. Deciphering the error code 0x00000124, it pointed to ntoskml.exe which research suggests is the CPU not getting enough power? I’ve never experienced this before. Switching back to AMD balanced resolved the issue and it’s not happened since.

Anyone else seen this one?

I don’t trust 2 year old articles too much … Anyway my exact situation. I have the plans, I used them for my 3800X before upgrading to the 5800X but they dissappeard when I updated and/or reinstalled every driver for MB, chipset and cpu. Six months later AMD posted a new chipset driver, I installed it and then noticed the plans have returned. The only thing unchanged is my Windows 11 install but I keep that updated anyway.

Anyway you may be right or half right especially as PBO is controlling my voltages but stuff like keeping usb keyboard, drives etc. alert and ready are all part of the plans too.

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Actually, it recommends the AMD balanced power plan above. I agree it’s a little confusing as I directly quoted the article referenced and the context within the article was the AMD balanced power plan. I’ve updated my quote to clarify thx for pointing that out.

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That is no longer the case as that info was from over 2 years ago. AMD has recently updated their chipset drivers to include new/updated power plans and hence the reason for my post.

See link below that has updated info from Feb 2023:

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Exactly what I thought … thanks for confirming.

Well if anything, it shows it’s doing it’s job. Sometimes you install these things and wonder if it’s necessary… well it definitely is. :smiley:

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Yea that one caused my Ryzen 7 3700x to completely freeze up and trying to move my mouse makes it just beep after about 1 hr in New York in a spitfire. :confounded: thought I was going the right way with 47fps/4K/Fenix. Cpu hit 97*c and I quickly left the game after I saw that lol.

Looks like you might want to improve your cpu cooler or case airflow (or both).