Checking for updates? No, we're way past that

I had the same issue, thought that maybe the airac cycle update wasn’t coming in due to Navigraph being installed with the same updated airac cycle.

Restarted after removing Navigraph and the update came through. After installing Microsoft’s airac the game started again normally.

Encountering this issue a few times in the last couple days, now today it’s especially bad. Followed all of Microsoft’s steps and when I finally got past it after Alt + F4 several times, the massive re-download was at a snail pace.

I took someone above’s suggest and logged out of Xbox app, and re-logged in and my 93 GB is now progressing well…

Doing all that just proves they successfully gaslit people into thinking its a local issue. When its NOT. Its a them issue and their servers have been acting up a lot recently. I got hit with the checking for updates screen getting stuck about 6 tines in the past week and have to sit there for nearly 20-30 minutes before it finally went past it. They did this same thing with the constant crashing when the sim first came out. Its literally nothing we can do. They, Microsoft, need to do better when it comes to servers. Especially when an entire game cant even run properly without them. And its the main reason i still to this very day despise rhe ideo of a flight sim being so heavily reliant on servers and connectivity until we get to a point where servers and connection are so good that theres little worry about an outage… Spoiler, we’re nowhere near that yet.


2024 is going to be… interesting.


im betting this has to do with load on the servers… because it got really bad in the last two hours… which is “sim time hour” in a number of big urban centers that are in the same time zone

Hello folks,

We’ve created some surveys to help gather more information from those who are (and are not) experiencing this issue. Please vote in this thread:



a mandatory AIRAC update at DSL speeds…yay

New development…I posted a while ago that I was having this problem and said I was just going to let it run to see what would happen. Eventually, it went to the installation manager and presented a sim update. Update complete and the sim is running! Go figure!

Also, please respond to this post to let us know what worked for you if you experienced this issue and were able to get past the Checking For Updates screen either by:

a) Waiting it out for however long it took
b) Using one of the suggested work-arounds posted earlier in this thread



Same here. Just running an update now.

Thats just to load in & then turn on online services
When in menu

In my case described above…I left it running for perhaps 30 minutes.

I experienced this issue today. Sim had been working fine until today. After trying for an hour to start FS2020, and consistently getting stuck in the “Checking for Update” screen (with the progress icon spinning) I found this thread and clicked the Sync button (even though my time, daylight, and region were already correctly set). Good news is that after that I was able to finally get past the “Checking for Update” screen. Bad news is that it found a small 400 MB or less update, it installed it, and now the sim crashes on load and I am no longer able to start it. I’m gonna try another PC restart next. Emptying community folder did not help and sim still crashes on start.

I’m going to “live dangerously”…shut down the sim to see if it will restart successfully.

Ok, somehow I just got in.

I hope it works for you. Please let us know!

Success! Normal restart!

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downloading at 1.2 Mb/s…I have just about had enough. My flight time was wasted yet again.

This has been my method, including just now.

Whenever I have a glitch with MSFS, and I haven’t changed anything on my end, my tactic is to wait and see what develops. Almost always, the issue resolves itself or on rare occasions requires some sort of sim update. Most often the issues seem to be network related and go away over time. My opinion is if the sim starts acting up when it was working fine yesterday…take a deep breath before you start re-downloading stuff etc. FWIW.

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