Christmas Love and 12 Days of Christmas

Where is the Christmas Love from the Developers. I went to the Marketplace expecting to see a ton of stuff on sale.

There are a few thing on sale, but some have been on sale for a while and nothing that I don’t already have want.

I’m ready to buy, but I need to see the 12 Days of Christmas discounts.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to this great Community of Simmers.

Looking forward to more flying in more parts of the world


Here’s some Christmas Love. Kind Regards to Everyone !

ps. There’s a Wealth of High Fidelity Renditions of Aircraft and Airports in the Market Place but do tread carefully and study Reviews or you may also find some Piles of Guano.


With the current state of marketplace items not working right for some, who knows. Perhaps it’s a little too soon since Black Friday sales, I am hoping we might see some bigger sales just before and after Xmas day itself. I’m pretty sure some of us will get gift cards and will wanna get something, I know I probably will.

Maybe there will be a good Aerosoft CRJ sale - they promised that weather radar so the CRJ is a must-have in the hangar.


I’m new to MSFS and was thinking the same. I ran a search on google and found this from last year so Xmas sale might come later this month.

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60 Items!? Wow, that was probably most of the catalogue back then, I wonder if anyone here would confirm.

This was on the 23rd, today is still the 16th. So maybe the Christmas sale just hasn’t started yet?

The Christmas Gift that I want is a working sim.

So I hope they release the bugfix before the holidays.


Yes that is why we are asking if anybody was here last year and can remember such a sale. There was one for Black Friday so I can’t see why they would go all Scrooge on us.

Asobo’s track record with ‘bug-fix’ updates + Christmas Holiday break ?

I shudder. :cold_sweat:

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Haha yeah I know.
Well I hope for a small fix for all the VR issues, the rudder problems, etc.
But sure, a “fix” that would things even worse would be a dealbreaker.

This topic has wandered off. Please see the Development Blog for latest Marketplace updates and even a giveaway. Thanks.