Cirrus CAPS

I would like to bring some attention to the issue with the CAPS system in Cirrus SR22 aircraft. I have done some test flights with the Cirrus SR22 from Asobo in the new MSFS 2024. I am a real life Cirrus Pilot and currently in the simulator the CAPS system for the plane is simulated very poorly/incorrectly.

In the real aircraft, the parachute deploys out the rear/top of the fuselage and after a short period of time, the tie downs connecting to the aircraft rip along the surface of the plane and transition the parachute from behind the aircraft to above the aircraft. It is designed this way to initially slow the aircraft down and then move towards the top of the plane where it can slowly bring the plane down towards the ground in a wings level type attitude (often very slowly at ~20MPH).

However, in the simulator currently, the parachute stays strictly behind the aircraft, leaving the plane to slow and then violently nose down and drop towards the earth in an almost straight nose down attitude until it crashes into the ground. This is a very poor representation of what the CAPS system offers in real Cirrus aircraft and it should be better represented in the sim.

Not sure if this is a technical limitation as it would require the connection of the parachute to the aircraft to move and transition to physically simulate the tension on the parachute from the correct area on the plane, but hopefully something can be improved here, because currently this CAPS system in the sim does not help in an emergency AT ALL, and only results in you nose diving towards the earth to your death.