Cirrus SR22 MFD Blank Screen

Did this solve your problem?

A big thank you ResidentCrane28, indeed having bought a few days ago the Thrustmaster TPA, the dysfunction of the CIRRUS appeared.

After having tried many solutions, I came across your answer and since I put the Eng. switches on OFF, everything works again as before!

This solution is really not intuitive: to switch off the engines to fly quietly is not an evidence …

Yes! Worked for me. Thank you

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I’ve never had any screen go blank ever, in any aircraft. Never.

Until last night, that is. SR22, all updates, mod installed, 1½ hr flight, and I was on final approach at my destination. About 5 miles DME both screens went blank; all other electrics were working as far as I could tell. Internal/external lights, everything; just not the 2 screens.

It’s never happened before and I haven’t changed anything, so I’m at a bit of a loss. Oh, just one thing: I’d flown the reciprocal route, shut the plane down and made a cup of tea, and flown back all without exiting. Not sure if there’s a clue there.