Cirrus SR22T G6

Thank you Vibstronium. Appreciate the clarification. Yes even Garmin’s own desktop G1000 sim is not exactly the same as the plane. The issue I am trying to solve for is not the G1000 pages. I am very comfortable with what the actual plane pages show and also the G1000 sim. My issue is cockpit ‘flow control’ of different switches. When doing checklists by memory, it is advised that a flow sequence is established to help remember things like mixture, fuel pump, flaps, mags check or when taking off and going straight to Autopilot, you do … Alt select, heading select, AP, select heading mode, select FLC mode, adjust speed to 105 etc etc.
The Altitude, heading knobs and keyboard layouts are different in the old and new SR22 model. So you cant memorise ‘flow’ checks easily if the switches are in different locations. Sorry for the long response and I hope I am explaining myself better.


Is there a bug with the throttle just now?
Hadn’t flown the SR22 much in the last 6 months until last night, power wont go below 8% or above 98% and it creeps forward at idle… with the parking brake on.

There certainly IS a bug with the SR22 now, I’m not a fan of this update by Working Title and I wish they’d left it alone.

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