Hello! Has anyone heard of a developer working on the Citation Latitude? I was wondering since we have the Longitude and the cockpits are relatively indentical, i feel like we could see one in the future. Especially with how many addons use the cockpits from other aircraft anyway!
What would distinguish one from the other? In other words, if I already have a Cessna longitude, what would be so different about the latitude that would cause me to spend money to buy it?
As a developer I would need to know there is a reliable market before I’m going to spend money making an add-on.
The market for biz jets is so small and those that have been released did very well. Everyone seems to only be making small props or airliners and people forget about the private market. The latitude has better short field capabilities over the longitude opening it to many more airports, The longitude just happens to be a tad bit faster. Though pretty similar, the Latitude seems to be the better seller out of the 2. Netjets for example has over 150 Lattys, and less then 30 Longitudes. I dont expect a latty to be made anytime soon but I was just curious if anyone heard of one in development.
This is definitely a plane that needs to come to this sim. They are literally everywhere! I see them almost everyday at my fbo.
Would love to see someone do the Latitude. Believe it’s the more popular variant.
Whether it’s an official variant/aircraft of it’s own, an external model only, or a third-party mod, I’d love to be able to enjoy the Latitude is MSFS! It’s got better performance numbers from the Longitude if I remember correctly as well.
Premium Deluxe Edition
That’s the Longitude. But I’d love to see it’s cousin, the Latitude.