I think I’ve asked before but can we have city and town lights including airport building lights go on.in bad weather?
Fully agree, in the real world(especially obvious during overcast days), streetlights are very much visible a long time before dark, while MSFS seems to be “locked” on turning on/off exactly the moment the sun crosses the horizon.
This gives us a very weird “power-out look” since it can get very dark in overcast conditions before the sun reaches the horizon at sunset.
Right now the streetlights “fade in” by increasing brightness at sunset over a period of 2-3 minutes, when they get turned on.
While IRL, light turns on much earlier than that, and “fade in” over a much longer time as the surrounding scene gets darker while lamps brightness remains constant.
Just look at these Screenshots, taken just 2 minutes apart. Note how the first picture looks like the whole area had a power outtage.
In the sim, dark outside, light suddenly Fades In
IRL, lights are on before it gets dark, sorrounding scene Fades Out
19:47, all lights are out.
19:48, just one minute later, all lights suddenly comes on
19:49, all lights fully on.
I truly hope Asobo isn’t done with the lamps/lighting as they suggested in the latest Q&A, as there is much left to do/fix with the current lighting/lamps.
(Which is inferior to the early Alpha’s)
These lights definitely didn’t come on 2 minutes prior the the photo was taken, it’s rather the surrounding areas slowly getting darker while lamps/streets/illuminated surfaces remain bright.
agreed - i used one of the new SoFly Weather presets that created black clouds - in the middle of the day and not a single city light comes on.
Lights based on real world light levels, not time of day - and in some ways - city lights are rarely off…
Please can city lights come on when light is dark, not at set times.
Flying in bad weather and cities are pitch black makes no sense.
Technically - city lights are never off!!
I fully agree.
I was driving home yesterday during overcast conditions, streetlights fully on and visible around 3 hours before sunset, same thing with headlights from cars.
Lights doesn’t “turn on” at a specific time worldwide, lights slowly become visible when surrounding scene gets darker.
The dynamics/brightness/visibility/style of MSFS lights/lamps still needs a lot of work
Hm So far I had no ideas of how to enhance the graphics of this simulator except adding raytracing, more colour depth, cloud transparency and cloud self-shadowing and enhance overall cloud-quality and variety.
But the idea of night lights switching on in steps, first a few house lights and all street lights when early dawn kicks in, followed by the rest of the night lights some time later, is a superb idea!
Flying over New York or any other city on a dark rainy day and not seeing a single light bulb, is so horribly unrealistic that it makes you want to stop playing, if you don’t want to think that you are in the midst of a dead and inanimate post-apocalyptic landscape. LIGHTS, PLEASE!
So i live in London and first of all- its not actually this dark right now - and if it was…the lights would be on.
All I can tell is that for me cities in MSFS at dusk/dawn/fog were looking as if Zombie Apocalypse happened.
It’s creepy to fly over unlit large city tobe honest and it’s - for me - the very single immersion killer.
So, we need a button - “Toggle City Lights ON/OFF”
we need a better definition of light. now darkness falls almost immediately after sunset over the horizon. missing those blue hours after sunset, when the whole sky provides still diffused light.
I agree, inmersión killer, and scary zombie apocalypse feeling.
All we need, is just a button,
City Lights ON/OFF
At any time of the day.
Pretty simple.