CJ Simulations Eurofighter Typhoon released

I’m on XBOX.

Which xbox series S or X?
Do you use game pad :video_game: or other peripherals?
Im on series X but i usr mousr for that sort of cockpit function

Im using Series S with normal Game Pad.

You should be able to select the knob then use thumbstick up or down to turn the dial. Try checking your bindings in the control options menu.

Will have a look again, in ever other plane it’s working so I was confused. Thanks nevertheless!

If it works in other aircraft and not typhoon id delete and re install the typhoon incase its another aircraft causing conflictions

Gave it a reinstall. Now it’s working perfectly! Thanks for your help !

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The store version is still 0.1.12 When we can expect an update?

Hello. Is the cjsimulations typhoon going on sale in the near future?

Hi, I find the question a bit confusing. It is on sale since October 27, 2022.

Hi Rich. If the price reduces to sale levels il drop you a msg

Hello Andy. Thank you so much!


First of all thank you @CodenameJack447 for the EF2000. I am from DCS and have been waiting for the EF2000 there for 1 year. I like to fly your mod every day. Thanks for your work and I hope for many, many updates :slight_smile:

I have a question: why are some panels yellow? (DEP, MDEF, MIDS)? In the original they are green.

Thank you very much for your positive comments about this product!!!

It’s simple, we based the model on the prototype manual. which is the declassified manual and for example the MDDE screens buttons are green and we have represented them that way.

But when we began to develop the MDE and the rest of the buttons, they were illustrated in yellow in the manual.


And that tonic was followed.

Think that many images are taken from airshows, and sometimes correspond to models of it with fictitious representation of screens etc, really what is inside the plane is known by the manufacturers themselves, engineers and pilots who are under NDA. Therefore, the manual was what seemed most truthful to us at the time of development.

Therefore I could represent you what is there. But the real plane could already be using this:


Surprissingly those buttons are in yellow :wink:

Same as this image:

Certain buttons are in HTML5 and changing their color is as simple as changing a line of code. The rest of the buttons are based on png textures and you have to redo them (not only change the color, but also the type of font used).

However, that is on the list but before that, we want to go further and improve the 3D model, correct deficiencies or inaccuracies as well as increase the poly count in general (we want to improve it from its base) but this takes more time and resources. Once that is done, cockpit textures (including these buttons) will be corrected, as well as the liveries to date. It’s going to take some time, but we’re already on it.

At the systems level, there are certain tactile functions of the MDDE that are also going to be implemented, but always without compromising the project or exposing sensitive information, especially in regards to weapon systems (more along the lines of navigation and management).

I will keep you posted as this is not over yet. :wink:


Thank you for your detailed answer :slight_smile:

I will try to find the files and change them. There is a German fighter pilot who shared a picture of his cockpit a year ago:

And I have pictures from the real Eurofighter. Therefore I only noticed that. Is that manual public? If yes, where can I find it?

I am very happy to hear that there is still so much planned :+1:

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I’m stoked…this plane is sick…in the most complimentary way. I’m not easy to impress.
I’m looking forward to deeper system depth in time.
Thank you :blush:

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I can’t put the links here because of the forum rules but you can look for it as Development Aircraft DA7 or C.16 manual. Whether they are public or not is not something I can determine, but they are declassified and can be found for sale. I bought them for ethical reasons.

I have seen your photo, and as you can see even what is shared is pixelated or trying to hide what is not wanted to be in the public domain. It is why I tell you about the NDA.
This is normal when an aircraft is in active service. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the advice with the manuals. It is incredibly interesting to read in them.

I can’t wait for the next version of your Eurofighter to come out :slight_smile:

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Hello Batterby76
I’m on XBox s. Using TM Hotas one. Has the Typhoon gone on sale yet?


No not for a while yet