Cloud cover

Forgive me for my English :slight_smile:
After numerous tests, I understood how Fligt simulator translates the weather. I compared what Live weather gives with meteblue maps, specifically with cloudiness.
If the sky coverage according to meteblue is above 95 - it’s ovc, while when it is between 80-95 and the clouds disappear drastically, not to mention when the coverage drops below these 80% - it’s clear sky."
I am from Poland, yesterday the sky was full of clouds in the whole country, meteblue maps showed that it was mostly 80-95, Flight simualtor could not give these 80%, instead there was a clear sky, today the sky coverage according to maps is above 95% and is OVC
My question. Is there anyone here who knows how to modify the files, possibly which files can be experimented with, so that FS interprets OVC with lower cloud coverage than these 95%?

yesterday’s sky coverage below 95%

Sky coverage above 95% today

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Just made a test, and yes. You’re right. Having same results.

Seems related to this: METAR keeps disrupting the weather/ bugged weather/Cumulus/CB clouds only/no medium to high cloud coverage - #920 by DementedCorn327