Cockpit Camera Resets In Back of Plane

I’m having an issue where when I want to reset my cockpit camera back to normal (pressing “RESET COCKPIT VIEW”) the camera flies off to some random place. In this example, the camera flies back to the passenger cabin floorboards :unamused:

The only way to get back up front quickly is to press “TOGGLE LANDING COCKPIT MODE”.

I tried pressing “VFR PILOT VIEW SAVE” which works sometimes by saving your default cockpit view. However other times it does nothing. Feel like I’m going crazy here. How does everyone else save their default cockpit position and then quickly recall it after looking around?

This is exactly what I am having, I use the SAVE CUSTOM CAMERA and GO TO CUSTOM CAMERA keybinds, and the views will save correctly the first time you use the aircraft, however for any subsequent times you load in, the camera is in the wrong place completely. Sometimes it’s in the cabin, sometimes it’s in the floor, sometimes it’s in the sky about 10m above the plane. This is completely unplayable in this state! you cannot even save new views, the old broken ones stay broken, incredibly frustrating!


i feel your pain. at least we know it’s a msfs issue 100% and not something we’re doing wrong

Check this out my post: Same issue , It is defiantly a bug

It seems to be intermittent from plane to plane or by internet connection ??

I’ve posted about this in a couple of other threads, this post of mine sums up my findings.

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I’ve been having this issue too. It seems to happen when I switch from a plane to a heli or even a balloon, and then back to a plane again. Almost like the sim hasn’t detected the switch and it’s trying to load the camera views from the heli

Restarting the sim fixes it, but it takes 10 minutes to load the sim, so this needs to be addressed

Wow, I was lucky to find this thread, I thought I was going mad or something. I really hope they make notes of all issues reported in the forum. There are so many bugs here and there so you cannot report them all the proper way, that will take to much time.

Exact same issue. Would be great to see something from someone explaining the issue or provide a solution. I have spent more time trying to figure this out than I have enjoying the sim.

there’ve been a couple posts on here describing the bug, and it definitely is a bug, you’re not going crazy. basically the first plane you load has its cameras set correctly. however if you load another plane in the same play session, it won’t update the camera locations. really, really jenky

That’s not quite what my testing has revealed. When you start a session every plane will have it’s correct custom views available. The problem starts whenever you CHANGE a custom view. As soon as you do, the plane you change the view in will “own” that view number for the rest of the session and all planes will see the view that was changed and not the correct view. Once the sim is restarted all views will be correct until another change is made.

Any view numbers that are not changed during the session will still be correct on all planes.

anyone know if this has been fixed in recent updates?

Still hasn’t been fixed, and no mention of fixing it in SU1 either. Shocking that a bug like this was allowed to get through beta testing. I know not everyone uses custom cameras, but this is something that could have been noticed if even one person tried using custom cameras during testing.

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this single issue is literally game-breaking for me and is forcing me to continue to play 2020. not being able to change your camera views means you can’t fly a plane. i can’t believe it’s not fixed yet, this is astounding and incredibly disappointing.

You must have a pretty high threshold for what is “playable” - the custom views DO work - see my post above - albeit with a bug that is certainly very annoying but certainly not fatal. With the bug as it is, setting all your custom views up is a pain as you need to restart the sim each time you want to change views in a different aircraft, but once the views are all set up then they work perfectly.

I do agree with you though, it is incredibly disappointing that this very annoying bug is not yet fixed…