Cockpit views, and cam settings

I’m still flying with the default camera/cockpit view settings and still have problems and issues with the cam system in general. In general I miss the function to get zoomed in or call up the instrument while clicking on a display or area with my mouse. By example in the A320 when clicking on the FMC nothing happens for a zoomed view to enter and programming the fmc. I always have to look around with my mouse and have to zoom in manually which is not usable in my opinion. It would be very helpful for me if somebody has a guide for me or good settings for setting up all my views and cams for intuitive usage.

Looking forward hearing from you, I’m still struggling. Also a perfect setup of TM HOTAS Warthog flight System would be great.

Many thx

I also have the TM Warthog system, but I don’t use the zoom function. I set up custom cockpit cameras by going to a view I want to save, then hit Cntl-Alt-1, Cntl-Alt-2 and so on to save that camera view. You can do that for up to 10 separate views. You can check each one by then hitting Alt-1, Alt-2 and so on, then go into options, Controls and using Load Custom Camera 1, 2 and so on using any of the 4-way switches (of which there are 3 of them on my Hotas Warthog stick), and bind your switch to that Load Custom Camera. You now have up to 10 different cockpit views you can use. I also bind one of them to look around using cockpit look down, up, left and right just to move around where I want. All of this without having to use a mouse.

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On my computer I just tap Ctl-1,2,etc and a zoomed in view of each subsequent instrument comes into view. Then I have the spacebar set to reset my forward view.

This is what I do too, Ctrl+Alt+1,2,3,4,0 etc… and I just bind them to buttons on my joystick

You can do custom views