Colors of airports on the VRF map

On the VFR map, the airports are marked with a red and blue circle or only with a ring without a white crossbar
What do the colors mean???

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Airports with control towers are shown in blue, without towers are shown in magenta. If the circle is hollow, then the runway is something other than a hard-surfaced runway. Filled in circles have hard-surfaced runways (Note: IRL, filled in circles have runways between 1500-8069 feet long, and airports with longer runways are shown in shapes reflecting their runways, but this isn’t in MSFS anywhere I believe). The line inside filled-in circles “should” reflect the basic orientation of the runway. If the airport has fuel available, there will be four tick marks around the outside of the circle (beware, not always true in MSFS).


Thank you for your explanations
Regards Willy from Switzerland

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