COM Radio spacing

How do I change the spacing to 8.33kHz for the com radios in FS2020?

I don’t believe there is a global setting for this, rather it is aircraft dependent.

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How do I change the spacing to 8.33kHz for the com radios in any particular FS 2020 aircraft, then?

Which aircraft, as I mentioned, it’s aircraft specific.

Any aircraft. Any at all. Pick a default FS2020 aircraft and use it as an example. You obviously know how to do it with all of them whereas I don’t know how to do it with any.

It matters because some you can, and some you can’t, and it’s in different places.

For example, a G1000 aircraft you can, it’s in the settings menu on the G1000.

The C152, Asobo you cannot, however get a 152 with a GNS530 (or the 172 steam) and it’s in the AUX menu of that unit.

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There we are, thank you. Are there any non-glass cockpit planes in which it’s possible? Or is it only in aircraft with Garmins?

I’m not sure, I just know the Working Title G1000’s you can, the GNS530/430 you can.

Then other third parties that integrate other units sometimes sneak it in.

But I would assume, a straight stock aircraft with a traditional radio, probably not.

Users in the forums are often generous in their assistance when others ask questions - please be respectful to those who are offering help. Thank you.


Thank you. Which plane is that one?

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It’s the SWS PC-12. Though it’s tail number in real life would appear to be a Cessna 404 Titan.


Hi, that is the Carenado PC-12 from 2020 although I have the SWS also and would act identical.

hope it worked out for you

Yes it did, thanks!

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