Come Celebrate With Me

Hello fellow aviators;

I wanted to take this moment to post about my momentous occasion as of Sept 6th I can officially say that I have flown around the world in MSFS 2020.

I can’t believe that I actually have done that and if my future self had told me I would have laughed at him till it hurt and laughed even more.

You can see all my flights on this nice playlist:
Community Fly-In Friday: Malaysia - YouTube

During my flight around the world, I even took the time to join in with the Friday Fly-In Events that the fine folks here post.

A bit of insight, my last two flights were originally planned a bit differently. How so? well, I was in Hawaii and originally I was going to go straight to New York then on Monday do a flight around New York a in memory of the 9/11 events. But seeing how the flight was about 9 hours I didn’t want to do that so instead, I went to Vancouver in the hypersonic jet. From that point, I was going to go to New York for the reason I had previously stated but then I got thinking about it and thought that I had a 50/50 chance that the fine folks of would end up doing that flight this Friday so instead I wanted to end my world travels and go back to Toronto where I started that journey from. With my flight landing that allowed me to say that I had flown around the world.

The final flight from Vancouver to Toronto will be posted on that playlist and my YouTube channel later today. As of this post, I just posted the Hawaii to Vancouver flight and wanted to give it time to convert and be viewed for a few hours before I post my final flight. I don’t mean final flight as in I have zero interest in flying again, that’s far from it I mean final flight as in final connecting flight that allows me to say that I have flown around the world.

I still plan on flying, and still, play on doing solo Friday fly-in events as well as random other flights that I think of just not going to do connecting flights.

So Celebrate with me and push that like button (aka the heart)

Thanks in advance.


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