Well there is no tail wheel lock in a Spitfire. I have not tried either of the aircraft but are they truly castoring or fed off the rudder? A tailwheel lock will help the wandering but if you don’t have one, you have to think of another way around. If I told you how, I’d have to kill you…
Ha! Yeah, I believe they are fed off the rudder. I don’t really know too much about the difference as I am not an expert on taildraggers. So… in the Corsair, if you lock the tailwheel all of your rudder steering from the rudder axis is gone. Is that the way it should be? You quickly have to unlock it when landing, I believe or…you won’t be able to control much.
No, a real castoring tailwheel allows the aircraft to turn whether using differential braking or rudder or a combination of both. It is locked to reduce wander on a takeoff roll but should not affect rudder control, that would be extremely dangerous to say the least. The problem in the game stems from a castoring wheel not being coded or at least missing from the SDK. So it is not unusual for some add-ons to use rudder animation code to steer the wheel. It looks OK but if it is not locked in the air you will see the tailwheel flap around with the rudder which is not very realistic and somewhat amusing to watch.
That makes sense. Like I said, I have to quickly unlock the tailwheel on the Corsair shortly after landing or… who knows where I may end up. I always wished it wasn’t so complicated. But this makes a lot of sense. I can’t imagine in real life things would be designed so dangerously. I haven’t flown the YMF enough to comment on that one - I just don’t remember, to be honest.
See? It’s stuff like this and helicopter support and supersonic flight support that are missing from the sim and I wish they got those things in before releasing, but I suppose we will get there eventually. We have to.
Just getting eager to see more on this Spitfire; re-watching the YouTube videos and looking at the pics on the FB page. When I noticed this pic, with what looks like a proper propeller animation from the side view. Unless, I have my settings wrong in MSFS, every plane has the flat animation from the side. Let me know, if I’m doing something wrong though. If not, than this project just piqued my interest a whole lot more. https://www.facebook.com/Aeroplaneheaven/photos/pcb.2173304982807863/2173304749474553
Also, a little info on that P-51 would be great too
Yes we have modeled side view props on the Spitfire and all our aeroplanes. It makes the prop look better in our opinion. We hate it when the prop "disappears when you pan around a side view.
Any updates on when we can see the DC-3 be released? or how progress is coming along?
We’re hoping for 3rd. quarter but really no firm dates yet.
I’m buying the Spitfire and the one way or another, but I was wondering if it will be outfitted with the optional GPS you showed on the Mustang (I sure hope so, options are good)
I think they both should maintain instruments of the era, making Nav realistic and perhaps quite challenging…
We agree there. Spitfires had the P11 compass and that was it. GPS or anything else would be unnecessary (if you had such things in 1940) as a) range was limited b) flights would be fairly restrictive, a few hundred miles at most, usually in the immediate areas of the airfields.
I’m not disagreeing, but I like the option. You know, some of these planes are still flying, and have updated nav and coms. No harm in being able to pretend you are flying in the 21st century, as well as being able to pretend you are flying in 1940.
I ask because I saw the Mustang on AH’s Facebook page with a nav, with the statement that suggested you would be able to fly with and without it. I like that idea.
I have the Milviz Corsair, and Flying Iron Spitfire. Love them both, but a warbird with the option to load a nav and autopilot would just add a layer of extra versatility for me.
It’s like the Just Flight Piper Arrow III. sometimes I want to fly VOR to VOR and use the old school cockpit configuration, trim trim and more trim, and get there. Sometimes I want to have the option to fly a longer flight using GPS, Autopilot, and (the horror) use the ALT hold cheat.
Haven’t said we won’t do it as an option, just assessing the viability at present.
If it’s viable - big “if,” I know - I’d love to have the setup they use in “That’s All, Brother,” with the GPS hidden behind a removable Sperry autopilot panel. So in this setting, click for GPS or click for Sperry. Asking a lot, I know. I’ll be happy with any GPS option you guys come up with - or none at all. It’s the DC-3 that matters. Looking forward to it.
We have N3200 in “modern” state with a modern pilot (bonedome etc.). In the cockpit we now have an optional Garmin 1000 with Autopilot mounted on a panel which switches out with the “flying Six”. We had something similar in the DC-3.
Exciting preview and news on the Spitfire (links to IntoTheBlue Preview video and Authentikit information in article):
I haven’t finished the videos myself, but so far that Prop animation is sweet.
Edit: Finished the video, loved the flyby sounds too. I’m getting inspired to make Authentikit controllers a summer project with my son, starting with this bird.
You’d be very welcome to join the AuthentiKit community. https://discord.gg/qXzwZ3Yh3W The hands on experience of the throttle is great. I’m working on some of the right hand side of the cockpit stuff now - much less complex but a lot more fun than just pressing G on the keyboard.
Amazing! Thanks.