Command for half strength braking

Right now, braking on joysticks is either no braking or full braking. Full braking is too strong in most cases and being able to brake at half strength would be useful.

Is there a fix for this. Or a setting that we can change?

I also use a joystick for braking, and it seems to be quite hard when used and I end up getting hot breaks when landed.

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I am a simmer who has never taken the time to buy rudder pedals, therefore have never had toe brakes. I have to use the single button gradual braking which IMO is not the best. It hardly allows for any control at all. A different sim on the market has a separate control option for light braking and full braking, it makes taxing and parking much easier when you can use a light brake setting, but that is currently not possible in the sim.

On which sim except x-plane can you choose between normal and max braking?

Xplane is what I was talking about.

Ok, I see that you have edited your OP.

I use an X-52 for flying, no rudder pedals. I use the trigger for braking, but single button braking is not the best by any stretch. Another sim has 2 braking option for single-button brake users. One is a continuous light braking action for gently coming to a stop, and the other is much like how the brake button is now. Can we see better options for single-button brakers?

I legit bought pedals JUST for the toe brakes this is something that is worthy of time investment to make the sim more openly palatable.

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Would no one else find this useful?? I’m the only one who has to rely on a single axis for braking in sim??

Repeatedly tap your braking key. You will note that a short duration press of the braking key is your half brake pressure. Holding the key does a half brake pressure for a very, very short duration prior to go full on brakes.

Therefore, tapping the key repeatedly will always net you a half brake press.

Try it.

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I appreciate the suggestion, I use this method now and always have with fs2020, but it’s clunky and not at user friendly like having a button control option in xplane.

Not only that, the delay when hitting the brakes is way too much. In real life brakes respond almost instantly.


Still asking for this for us single-button brake users. Just a separate command similar to light pressure on the brakes to make taxing and parking more smooth :pray:

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100% support, this is absolutely awful. But lets be patient, the sim i only 2 years old.

I’ve been using a joystick setup where buttons switch the function of the rotary encoder from throttle to brake and/or thrust reverser.

  • In normal mode, the rotary encoder controls the throttle.

  • When the trigger is pressed (brake mode), the rotary encoder controls the brake.

  • When the top button is pressed (reverser mode), the rotary encoder still controls the throttle, but it also virtually presses a button mapped to the momentary reverser function in MSFS.

Note: MSFS doesn’t have a dedicated reverse axis, so the throttle axis (but with the virtual reverser button) is used instead.

I’m also considering adding a feature that tightens the logical rudder axis and adds differential braking at the top end of the physical rudder axis.

Currently, I’m using VKB’s software for this setup. However, I’m in the process of transferring it to a dedicated program which will output to the sim via vJoy, probably using Rust or Python. VKB’s software isn’t bad, but the low-code approach is hitting its limits.

By the way, you can find the “current” fork of vJoy here: GitHub - BrunnerInnovation/vJoy: Virtual Joystick

Edit: Rewrote entire comment because it was hard to read.

I second this proposal, i just nosed over one of the tail draggers… haha!!..
…it was funny at the time…
i have a call… bye

If you are on PC and the plane files are not encrypted, you can adjust brakes strength in the systems.cfg file
locate the line “toe_brakes_scale =xx” and reduce the value for less brakes, increase it for more.

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I presume we all know that for yokes, joysticks and rudder pedals there is a “sensitivity” setting for each parameter. That can be used to adjust for soft brakes to hard braking at full press.

This is not working for those who have to use a button or trigger for braking. Sensitivity setting only applies to axis.

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There is a way but you need to modify own airplane config by increase or decrease the numbers
on the toebrake scaler and or brake scaler,
If playing on keyboard assign 3 keys like brakes, brake left brake right
If playing on pedals the same but assign brake left and right to the toe brakes these u can use by press both at the same time or individually left or right
If braking heavy assign a key or button