Some months back, I found a website that, for a given flight start and end points, gave numerous real flight plans for actual commercial flights but I can’t remember the site.
With regard to flight plans generated by MSFS and those created elsewhere but for which MSFS provides the misc data (altitudes, speeds, etc.), does MSFS use current Chart data or data that is dated? e. g. Navigraph vs Chart Fox.
Any help with either or both of these questions would be most appreciated.
(2) MSFS normally uses the latest AIRAC cycle of navdata (e.g. 2303 March 2023), but can sometimes be a little out of date depending on if they release it with some other content / update or not on time. I use a Navigraph subscription (as 3rd party aircraft tend to use their own data format, plus it has some fixes in it that are super helpful), but I think MSFS base data might be behind at the moment? I don’t remember the 2303 AIRAC for MSFS as yet, but could of missed it? Even if it is 2301, it will still be relatively up to date.
But as mentioned, you can get it from other sources (such as Navigraph) who publish monthly updates, as well as tools to update aircraft directly along with other third party software (Pilot2ATC, Little NAV Map, etc…).
@notsofearless: You nailed it! Flight aware was it! I’m so glad because it means I’m not losing all my marbles just yet! Thank you.
To everybody that answered my second, rather vague question, I’m happy with the consensus.
A big thanks to all that took the time to reply: THANKS!