Community and Official on C:\ AND D:\?

I just have been obliged to reinstall MSFS not from MSStore (as previously) but from XBox. I choozed to install on D:\ because a too small size of C:\ and I was satisfied of this structure. Now I have Community and Official folders on both discs. This is not normal. What can I do to get again the previous structure ?
Thank you for comments.
Best regards

Both should be in a “Packages” folder.
Make sure that your UserCfg.opt file points to the Packages folder you want to use, and delete the other.

Check the C:/community and Official directories. They may be empty folders with the goods in the same D: drive directories, in which case, just leave the ones in C:. They’re really not taking up much space if empty, as mine are.

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Thank you for answering. I found 2 UserCfg.opt files in C:\ and D:. Both give a path for Community and Official in C;. For making sure I understand what to do:

  • change the path to point on D:\
  • delete the content of Community and Official in C:\ (keep only the names)

Is it necessary to keep the UserCfg.opt file in C:\ (after obviously having changed the path at the end of file) ?

Best regards

Start the sim, and start developer mode.
In there, see Virtual File System > Packages Folders > Open Community Folder pathway.
That will point to the location the sim uses.
Delete the others.

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When opening Community and Official it can be seen they are located on D:\WpSystem. Then before deleting these folders on C:\ I renamed them and I launched MSFS: I was then asked to update the sim by downloading 166 GB of data on D:\WpSystem where all data is already installed. I stopped the process. On C:\ two folders have been created (Community and Official) and obviously they are empty.
Thank you very much for a next step to solve this anomaly.
Best regards

I just looked at my system.

I have duplicate ‘Official’ and ‘Community’ folders as well.

  • One of each is in the default ‘Packages’ directory on the C: drive. Both are empty.
  • The others are on the D: drive, where I installed the sim. They contain all my Official and Community content.

Dev Mode points to the folders on the D: drive.

I’m just going to accept that the sim needs to run with those empty folders intact on the C: drive.

It’s voodoo, and I don’t understand it.

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No expert here, but I believe the Sim created dynamic links to the non-C: location you told it to use to locate the Sim files. So when it wants access to the Community and Official directories, it is re-directed to your install location. (Something like that

I also have the sim installed in D because its an M2 drive. And I also have duplicate folders on C. Some of them WITH content inside. The rolling cache folder also sometimes changes from c to d by its own.

In my previous installation I remember that Community and Official folders on C:\ were empty. Now 24.5 GB for Community and 188 GB for Official are mentionned by Properties. Perhaps these values are associated to logical links pointing to D:\ but it is not clear even if it could be the case as the result of SpaceSniffer software (I ran just after reading your remark on possible links) don’t show this amount of data on C:.
Best regards

Yep, pretty much how I see it too. :sweat_smile: Installed on H drive here but Community folder is on C drive
 even though it isn’t.

The Curious Tale of How MS/Xbox Store works lol. I’m just thankful that there is ‘mods’ folder otherwise us MS Store folks would be screwed.

The disk space information given by “properties” normally corresponds to the space actually taken up on the disk, logical links being not included in this calculation. This is the case, for example, with XP’s Custom Scenery. In the case of Community & Official on C:, the answer is ambiguous. What’s the explanation?
Best regards

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