Community file from third party add-on issue

I downloaded an aircraft from the site, and the aircraft did not show up in my hangar after copying it to community files. Any ideas why it’s doing this?

T-6G Texan HB-RCN » Microsoft Flight Simulator

(In case if you’re wondering, yes I am pretty much a newbie in MSFS.)

Hi @YouFan1201, and welcome for the community!

If you downloaded the package as-is from .to and added the unzipped folder to the Community folder, you should be good to go. Maybe there is an issue with more than one Community folder. Does the other product (Mosquito) show up in the sim?

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Yeah, I downloaded the T-6 from the site without doing much to the file, and moved it unzipped to the folder. However, the other file, mosquito helicopter, does indeed show up in the hangar. I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing it’s probably some error in the file for the other one.

Perhaps the download was corrupted. Delete the first download and give it a shot again.

Is that just a repaint for the Texan available to buy from the Marketplace…if so you need the base plane.


That’s it, @keithb775406. Good find.