Community folder belongs on the FS drive, not the boot drive

I agree with your name, anyway…

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There’s just the one Community folder. FS knows to look for them in C:\Users, but the folders there are links to the D: where your real Community folders are. The links are like portals.

You can go to the Community folders in C: and copy a file in and you’ll see it there on the D:

So it won’t matter to Windows that the combined path length in D (where they will reside is greater than 255?
OK, give me long enough and I’ll eventually work it out.
I put my community folder down near the root of D:, named something like “3rd party addons” and set the shortcut in C: to point to that. Then there isn’t any problem with FS using the shortcut to get to an entirely different folder?

Thanks to this post I was able to actually find the community folder that I’ve been looking for since launch. Sheesh Cheers

I haven’t tried changing the shortcut on the C:\Users, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. Have you done it, and any issues loading your Community add-ons?

You might still be limited by the path length of the C:\Users location, but hopefully third party devs will take that into account. They can almost be forgiven for the D: alternate path location length if their dev machines don’t have MSFS installed to another drive.