Hi all, hope I’ve got the right subsection for problems with liveries and community folder not working for me.
I have recently done a complete reinstall of MSFS. I have 2 ssd’s…C and E.
OS is on C drive so I asked the installer to install MSFS on my E drive. For some reason the installer still installed most of MSFS on my C drive…I now have 2 community folders. One in C:\Users\gaznj\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages
… and one in E:MSFS
While running the sim, developer mode tells me I it is using the community folder on E.
I have downloaded several liveries and I have followed the FlightsimTo download and install instructions to the letter…Extracting them directly into the Community folder on my E drive…None of the liveries show up in aircraft livery selection in the Sim.
I have also tried extracting them in the community folder on the C drive…still no luck
I’ve probably done something dumb or missed some part of the instructions but for the life of me I can’t get these liveries to work…Can anyone help?
I have my packages folder outside the default installation location because I joined the beta program. It keeps me from losing things when releases go from beta to GA. I just have to remember to chage the path whenever Microsoft releases an update. I have my packages installed in "C:\MSFS_2020" so the line in my usercfg.opt file is InstalledPackagesPath "C:\MSFS_2020\Packages". Within that path I have both my Official folder and my Community folder.
The path in the User.cfg needs to have the entire Local Cache - Packages folder in the location that is specified.
The Packages folder contains the Official folder (which contains the One Store folder), and the Community folder.
That is probably why you don’t see any aircraft, a lot else must be missing as well.
check also that the two middle files ( I assume liveries ) aren’t in another folder within the folder. That can sometimes happen when extracting liveries to the community folder. a livery folder containing another folder wont show up. hope this helps as in …>> community / Asobo Klm livery / Asobo klm livery/ for example another thing to check is that the liveries aren’t outdated that will also cause them to not show up