Thank you, but none of it makes much since to me. I have had some aircraft that have loaded so if they don’t, I will just delete them and find another one. I appreciate the help and especially the time you have taken to help. This is the first flight sim I have used, I did just buy XPlane 12, and I am very disappointed with it out of the box as the area I live in looks like they took the pictures around the turn of the century not 2000 but 1900 which even on the lowest settings MSFT2020 puts it to shame! But back to the point when I started this, I just wanted to fly the first airplane I owned a V35 Bonanza I didn’t realize I was going to have to be a computer expert to do it.
I told my wife that learning to fly in the sim is 100 times harder than learning to fly the real thing. In my first lesson in a 152 I was taking off and landing on my own not by myself, after about 12 to 15 hours of lessons I bought a Bonanza and soloed in it 10 hours later. I’m now about 2 to 3 months into this project and $5000.00 or more into it and I can’t really get the sim setup to enjoy! I’m not sure why they think you can make an adjustment then have to back out and into the sim to check it? Why, don’t the have a way to just adjust most settings while in the sim? while It would seem that as smart as the programmers are supposed to be they could keep your nose out of the panel and be able to see out either side of the plane without the Herkey Jerky switch and every time you use it you jump to the front just in front of the panel then you have to with the mouse get back to the proper position. I haven’t been able to find a way to stop it and the sitting position in my case isn’t right you can’t see out the front properly. Sure, the up and down arrows move you but why can’t you just stay in the same position and at the right height.
After all, if you went to the airport and the airplane had a problem you just get out and go into the FBO and if they have one get another set of keys. You don’t have to know how to fix every problem an aircraft might have.
It sounds like I am not having fun and that is wrong. I just want to fly without having to use rudder control enabled because the $500 pedals I have needs to be readjusted or calibrated. Most of the problems I have had is because I don’t know much about the nuts and bolts of computers other than buying on Amazon and a few other things.
Thank you
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