Complete listing of all 35K+ airports in MSFS 2020

Yeah, Iā€™ve got this freeware render since the first day it was out, I was talking about the fact that it simply is non existent as a stock MSFS airport.


Bing doesnā€™t show much of an airportā€¦

Bing can have a recent image for a given neighborhood and an image 10 years back for literally nearby. In Germany, military airfields are missing because Bing has them obscured. Thatā€™s why I mentioned that AIPs and Navigraph data should be factored. Itā€™s not an excuse that there is a mod; LTFM is a very good example.

Get the feeling some one in Germany didnā€™t want this on modeledā€¦

Yep I know, and thatā€™s how they respond, too, when asked about it.

Sadly, indicative of the fact that Bing is far from up-to-date in most parts of earth.

I get the feeling that someone is working at Microsoft, because over at Googleā€¦


But, this is why I reminded that the majority of airports are handled by the AI. It will be a long time before we have 35000 plus hand crafted airports. This is also why we have a special reporting for missing airports. Asobo/MS can weed through the list and create a priority list for adding to the ā€œbespokeā€ airports. I expect that most of them will be handled by scenery developers with the addition of the airport sandbox to the SDK. Jorg mentioned that that is a priority so that you will have the ability to fix airports of the fly and add them to the db.

Flight Simulator 2000 was the first version to bring nearly every major airport to the sim, with the addition of over 17,000 new airports, for a total exceeding 20,000 worldwide. That must have been done somehow differently and not with AI :wink:
When there is a will, there is a way.

EDIT: From Wikipedia about FS2000: Some of these airports, along with additional objects such as radio towers and other ā€œhazardā€ structures, were built from publicly available U.S. government databases. Others, particularly the larger commercial airports with detailed apron and taxiway structures, were built from detailed information in Jeppesenā€™s proprietary database, one of the primary commercial suppliers of worldwide aviation navigation data

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To be fair though, the airports looked bland and not detailed. It was basically just the runways, taxisway, apron and generic buildings. The AI in FS2020 does so much more.

Absolutely - but that was 1999 technology.
My point is, the right sources of information are out there.

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True, it would have been nice if they would have used those databases as a fallback in the case of missing satellite imagery.

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Well, itā€™s definite that our world can hardly be handled by some AI routines alone. Some serious intrusions are always needed as with LTFM and EDDS cases.

BTW, I still see the future very bright, as I envisage that our entire planet will one to one modelled in 3D in slightly more than a ten-year time span.

Sorry to be brash, but I simply set the goal for the gigantic tech companies as MS and Google as long as they see some profit. While, as opposed to the state organisations, I also reserve that they surely only do profitable business.

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