Complete loss of control when the mouse focus is on theNAVLOG

Brief description of the issue: When using the chronometer, either in bushtrips, or in the flying lessons (number 7 for instance), the aircraft suddenly becomes completely unresponsive.

Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:

Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
Start a bushtrip with the XCUB or the C152, fly, trigger the chronometer. The aircraft controls no longer work. It doesn’t happen every time right away though, only after a few seconds. Sometimes, I can regain control for a while, and a moment later, the aircraft becomes unresponsive again.

edit: I found what’s wrong! When mouse cursor goes over the NAVLOG window, the focus is on that window and the plane no longer responds. I don’t know if it was intended or if it’s a bug.

See also Loss of peripheral controls during flight

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