Completed my CPL

Hi everyone.

New to flight simulator, and this my first time using one.
I have just completed my CPL and will be going for Type rating on A320 in 2 months from now.

After doing research online, I found out Fenix is best A320 study level aircraft. I want to do procedures, SOP’s, Flows and emergencies, starting from Cockpit familiarisation.

What you guys suggest? And do i need any other addons/mods (paid or free) for better learning on A320.

Thank you.


Welcome and :+1: kudos for completing your CPL!

I am to noob to have substantial answers for your questions but imho starting with just the Fenix and then find yourself what is additional needed is a good idea for sure.

Good luck and have fun!

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Fenix is perfect, plus a navigraph subscription for the charts and Fshud for good ATC

Thanks. Will look more into navigraph.

Fenix make sense for those kinds of pre study.
A Neighbor,A320 captain, took the FBW to keep SOPs and Procedures in mind during Covid lockdown.

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A very warm welcome to the forums smokylicious840.

I would also recommend two youtube channels of real world A320 pilots, who regularly feature the Fenix A320 on their channels. (You may already be aware of them!)

This is not to say that there aren’t other excellent youtube channels out there as well, but these two channels may be of interest.

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For sure the Fenix is a brilliant study tool!
However i’d use some caution if you use the sim in general in advance of training, as you may teach yourself a lot of things that during the type rating will be done very differently and hence you’d have to unlearn…
I think sim use should always come after training, to revisit and reinforce the learned rather than the other way around


Well said, will keep in mind.

I do follow 320 sim pilot, will look the other channel thanks. Happy New year.

Lucky you, meanwhile, here in the US I still got 1200 hours to go to be able to grab an ATP and receive if lucky any type rating in an airliner like the A320 or 737. Heck even an Embraer or CRJ.

Couldn’t agree more. Especially if you’re going for a type rating for a job/airline. Sims are great for reinforcing good training.