Completely broken throttle and CTDs

Hello all,

I am returning to the game after a few months off. I have not uninstalled it and recently updated everything.

My experience has degraded significantly. My first problem is with throttle.

I use a Thrustmaster HOTAS, and only have throttle configured on the throttle stick, but for some reason, it’s ignoring whatever throttle I set and maxxing it out constantly. It’s like something is “fighting” with my HOTAS. Any ideas what setting I need to look at here?

Secondly, I am CTDing constantly. I can’t even return to the main menu after a failed flight. I have no third party addons installed.


I just happened. Here’s what I did…

  1. Select top rudder plane
  2. Select airport west of Loveland CO
  3. Start moving to take off
  4. Throttle goes wild, cannot adjust without whatever it is fighting me. It’ll show my adjustment then immediately spike the throttle
  5. Plane crashes, sits on ground, throttle issue remains
  6. Game CTDs


At this point, the game will crash if I pan the camera in any direction, instantly. How did they break this game so badly? It used to work relatively fine for me… and is now completely unplayable.


Testing around HAGs and NVIDIA driver issues now.


It was HAGs + Latest nVIDIA drivers. After disabling HAGs, my performance sky rocketed and issues went away.

Yes, there are quite a few posts on this known issue. Allot have just rolled back to the previous driver.

HAGs didn’t completely fix the CTDs. Guess I’ll be rolling back my drivers.

This is what I just realized is happening to me. I think I can make it CTD by moving the hat on my TCA.

The graphics start to slow and then crash.

Can the drivers be rolled Bach through the Device Divers page?

So which drivers are the latest “safe” drivers ?

Rolling back to 496.76 solved this problem for me.

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Something probably IS fighting with your HOTAS

After SU7 (October 2021) many users reported that the update had messed with their input control config.
You might want to go through your profiles and check for any duplicated input mappings.
(Specifically if you have a throttle slider on joystick and ALSO a separate hardware throttle axis.)

There are reported to have been changes to which throttle mapping also works with certain aircraft. I think this impacts mostly 3rd party aircraft but I can’t be sure.

Finally. With SU7 they introduced a bug where all the AI assistance is toggled on. So it may be that you are trying to do one thing and the AI “Co-Pilot” is doing another.
For extra comedy value they made it so that even once you change these back to how you like them they will change back if you do certain things like open the content manager. (Which will have happened as part of your update process)