Computer update - what graphic settings should I set?

So I finally updated my computer.

Currently I have:
13th Gen Intel Core i7-13700KF
32 GB DDR4
GeForce RTX 3060 Ti (4K monitor)
Both system and MFS on SSD

So what graphic settings should I set in MFS?
I mainly fly Fenix A320

I found this to be very helpful


I have exactly the same rig as you, except a 3080. I think you should be able to crank up the sim settings pretty much to the max even with DX12, the main thing that will make a difference will be the Terrain LOD. I have it 150 when flying with Fenix, 200 is also possible but I prefer 150. More important is your traffic and add-ons. Don’t load unnecessary add-ons for an airliner, they will add up quickly to 10-15fps. For traffic I’m using the free FSLTL traffic and you can play around with the settings, I have 50 IFR planes, maxxed and no limits for static ground aircraft without any big issues at LSZH where I normally fly from. For bigger airports I would recommend setting limits for ground aircraft. Not using real-time sim traffic anymore.


Thank you to both of you @N405HT and @TidalPopcorn618 for all your help. I’ve set things up as recommended - hopefully it will work great :slight_smile: Happy New Year!

That video is very helpful - also - each user must make his/her own choices when setting up MSFS.
I always turn on the FPS meter and start with the Default ‘Medium’ generic setting in MSFS (after going through the OS, GPU, and setting up the fan speed curves in MSI Afterburner…)
Once I can see what that medium setting gets me I then start to slowly dial up some specific graphic settings to suit MY preferences and in accordance with the video above that offers some comparisons between ‘ultra’ ‘high’ and ‘medium’ wrt to clouds, water, trees, LOD, and the other individual items that can be tuned, always checking the FPS as I go. I think the biggest common mistake in this area is when users try to start from the maximum and never really have a smooth experience. Some will start grumbling as they dial back random settings to get the sim to give a smoother experience then come in here to rant about why their FPS is lower than expected and why their fancy new Uber rigs are stuttering away. Watch that video because it DOES help…


The only way to know is to experiment.

Whack everything to max settings, get into the plane you fly the most and note the performance.

If the system is struggling begin whacking down sliders.

For example I cannot tell the difference between Ultra and High when it comes to buildings and vegetation so I keep it at high.

Different gamers want different things. If much of your time is spent at 37,000 feet then you might not be fussed about trees, grass and bushes at Ultra.

Thats just one example.

This is a very subjective thing and while the videos point you the right way it is your eyes and brain that will deliver the verdict for your preferred settings.

Have fun and it doesn’t take too long to find the sweet spot for a system. Initially you’ll be constantly going in and out of the menu. As things settle in you’ll be doing that less and finally when everything humming along you can focus on the flying.

Just ensure you are in the same plane at the same airport with the same weather conditions as you play with the sliders.


this is what I’m talking about - most start with their settings too high. Even with a high end or cutting edge machine, if you start at ‘maximum’ you still don’t see the fluid FPS - I’m talking about conceding that your rig should easily handle ‘medium’ but that you should START there anyway. This way you can see the highest FPS and SMOOTHNESS at that generic setting - then BUILD out the sliders toward ‘Ultra’ or ‘High’ on each of the individual settings - incrementally, mind you - and check the impact each has on that BASELINE FPS you have established on the ‘medium’ generic setting from your initial pass. This is the only way to maintain the highest possible performance as you are tailoring those individual options to your individual taste (or your rig’s limitations of any kind). The mistake I see over and over is end users believing they should start high without ever realizing that their performance could be so much better the other way.
And from that starting point of ‘medium’ I always fly each type of aircraft (ultra-light, light, twin prop, Lear type, and tubeliner) and fly from both regional/remote as well as large/international airfields and check FPS for a baseline number. I use some clouds, and air traffic set to ‘live’ and all other settings per the ‘Medium’ generic setting. From this point on, as I build out the sliders I focus on the type of flying I like to do and the type and locations I most often fly, as I make the slider adjustments toward ‘Ultra’ or ‘High’…This method does two things - 1) it allows me to make adjustments tailored to my own preferences and prevents me from having too high settings on things that tax the system without really any visual difference - and 2) keeps me from having the frustrations we see here over and over again that stem from starting at ‘Maximum’ or ‘Ultra’ and then having to pare down a bunch of stuff in some ad hoc way just to make the experience ‘tolerable’


Do you have Fenix already set to performance in the app?

I also recommend using DLSS with 4k High end preset. Avoid using DX12. You don’t have enough VRAM.

@TidalPopcorn618 He wont be able crank the sim settings to max. Not with a 3060ti @4k.

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I have Fenix currently on quality. How big a difference in graphics is there in performance?

With that cpu gpu combo you shouldn’t easily be mainthread limited so I suggest you set LOD 400 and set everything ultra to start with. Then if you find you need more fps you can simply reduce graphics quality to suit e.g. volumetric clouds down to high. Also with such a cpu heavy system I’d say DLSS is essential, Quality = less fps, Performance = more fps but less quality, it’s entirely your choice but if like mine your monitor is limited to 60Hz there is no point in trying to exceed 60fps.

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Is this good or bad? 4k, TLOD 150, OLD 125, mix of High and Ultra, LFPG, Fenix A320 (exterior view)

Looks pretty balanced to me, of course overcast weather will give a hit. I get about the same with a non Ti 3060 and a 5800X but then I’m not flying resource hungry airliners from uber-large airports.

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