I am seriously concerned that the scenery creators do not give enough attention to optimalization. Every marketplace scenery that I bought is now a few gigabytes. That means with copule more sceneries I will run out of space on my SSD. How can relatively small airport like Gothenburg have 6 GB? There are even no working jetways, docking systems are not working yet something takes so much space.
What size is your SSD? I also thought that 6 GB was large until I read that they include some of the surrounding area. Considering the level of detail used in the sim, I highly recommend at least a 1TB SSD drive. That’s what I have.
It’s early enough in the process that users should start thinking like Call of Duty players. In case you don’t get the analogy, CoD as a game has bloated out over the years to nearly half a Terabyte.
Unfortunately the only way to start this is by a new install, which I did reluctantly because of unrelated problems, but when I did, I didn’t install: airports I don’t care about, planes I don’t fly (tubeliners, bizjets, Diamond GA), training lessons, landing challenges.
It all adds up after a while. More room for future World Updates which I do want, any mods (not too many, I it use Working Title GPS and that’s it) and any MS DLC later.
FSDT Zurich is close to a Gb and same for similar other ones like Copenhagen etc. Even a Gb is large and if airports like EHAM or EGLL come out I am sure they will be quiet a size.
Yes, I can see what will be occurring in the future, hence my new build next year will have three SSD’s. One 2TB strictly for FS2020, a 2TB for all other games and a 1TB as Windows seems to constantly be expanding like that foam stuff you get in a can.
Love this analogy!
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